Explain the AH Quote

"After Emperor Maxilimillian gave up the crown in Mexico, he would end up becoming the King of Argentina, establishing the modern Argentine state as a constitutional monarchy. He would end up serving as a prominent influence in Argentina, along with seeing Argentina defeating and annexing Chile and later Uruguay in the Conal Wars."
Taken from a college history textbook used in Mexico that discusses the Conal Wars of South America, as well as the rise and fall of King Maximilian, who would later be assassinated in 1864. The monarchy of Argentina, similar to other modern monarchies, remains controversial to this day. Calls for the monarchy to be dissolved have been growing since the 1970s, with many of the people rejecting the idea that the descendants of a colonizer from Austria has any right to rule them.

"Recently two prominent Civil Rights activists, namely Malcolm X and my dear friend Dr. Martin Luther King were both shot. Mr. X has survived though Dr. King is currently on life support. While there was no coordination between the shootings, make no mistake, they had the same motivation: hatred. This country has been poisoned by hatred, so much so that there are people who feel the need to harm those who simply want to be viewed as people. What's worse is that many of these people try to claim themselves to be Christians when they are as far from God as one can be. With so few people who seem willing to do anything to help, I left with no choice but to announce my candidacy for President of the United States." - Billy Graham
"Recently two prominent Civil Rights activists, namely Malcolm X and my dear friend Dr. Martin Luther King were both shot. Mr. X has survived though Dr. King is currently on life support. While there was no coordination between the shootings, make no mistake, they had the same motivation: hatred. This country has been poisoned by hatred, so much so that there are people who feel the need to harm those who simply want to be viewed as people. What's worse is that many of these people try to claim themselves to be Christians when they are as far from God as one can be. With so few people who seem willing to do anything to help, I left with no choice but to announce my candidacy for President of the United States." - Billy Graham
Billy Graham's speech of December 3rd, 1967, as he stepped into the Presidential race for the 1968 election, which he won handily due to the increasing support for civil rights among swing voters. His main opponent in the Republican primaries was Richard Nixon who after his defeat retired from politics and became a preacher. The 1968 election marked a turning point for the United States in which evangelical Christians became increasingly engaged in human rights activism and would later be instrumental in the fight for gay and lesbian rights during the 1980s, confronting the conservative leaning, heavily Catholic Democratic party on a number of key issues between 1976 and 1988.

"There is no reason, in an industrialised nation in the 20th century, for any child to go hungry, any veteran to go homeless, or any person to go jobless. There is no reason, in this, the greatest nation on Earth, for anyone to go without an education. And there is no reason for us to fall so far behind everyone else in industry, in science, and in achievement!" - Margaret Thatcher
Billy Graham's speech of December 3rd, 1967, as he stepped into the Presidential race for the 1968 election, which he won handily due to the increasing support for civil rights among swing voters. His main opponent in the Republican primaries was Richard Nixon who after his defeat retired from politics and became a preacher. The 1968 election marked a turning point for the United States in which evangelical Christians became increasingly engaged in human rights activism and would later be instrumental in the fight for gay and lesbian rights during the 1980s, confronting the conservative leaning, heavily Catholic Democratic party on a number of key issues between 1976 and 1988.

"There is no reason, in an industrialised nation in the 20th century, for any child to go hungry, any veteran to go homeless, or any person to go jobless. There is no reason, in this, the greatest nation on Earth, for anyone to go without an education. And there is no reason for us to fall so far behind everyone else in industry, in science, and in achievement!" - Margaret Thatcher
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announcing “Compassionate Conservatism”. Though a lifelong Conservative both socially and economically, Margret Thatcher had witnessed first-hand the struggles of the poor and the destitute growing in Manchester. As a result she entered politics, and became a rising star in the Conservative Party of Great Britain. Compassionate Conservatism enshrined badly-needed social programs for the poor and the destitute. While in many ways bare-bones, it did help arrest the decline of living standards across the UK, even though now many claim that she “didn’t go far enough”. Her willingness to work alongside Labour party officials also put her at odds with the older, much more conservative wing of her party. More importantly Ronald Reagan, president of the United States of America, would adopt elements of Compassionate Conservatism in the USA..

”Have you seen my pretty little ostrich?/ Have you seen him dancing about?/ Have you seen my little Ostrich? Lieutenant Cooper/ Your son has passed!”
”Have you seen my pretty little ostrich?/ Have you seen him dancing about?/ Have you seen my little Ostrich? Lieutenant Cooper/ Your son has passed!”
(Fellow Mikeburnfire watcher in the wild, that is an uncommon sight.)

Failed transcription of "My Little Ostrich", a popular song in the United States in the 1930s and 40s, that somehow made it into the New York Post daily newspaper for 3rd of August 1944. The Transcriptor has mishear the final line and, due to the Second World War raging at the same time, caused this bizarre end to a stanza. According to one story, the Transcriptor had read the identities of the fallen in Europe, and thus misheard the lyrics, or it was intended as a hidden message, believing that, despite being in a public newspaper, nobody would bother to read the text of a song so popular that the lyrics could be found more easily than that.

In any case, this slip-up lives on in random trivia quizzes and collections of so-called "useless knowledge" to this day.


"Demons run when a good man goes to war

Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war

Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war

Demons run, but count the cost
The battle's won, but the child is lost."
"Demons run when a good man goes to war

Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war

Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war

Demons run, but count the cost
The battle's won, but the child is lost."
The poem "Demon's Run," written by English poet Thomas Baker in 1970 during the expanding British involvement in Vietnam alongside the United States and Australia. Baker was known as a seminal light of the British anti-war poetry scene, along with penning many articles critical of the Pertwee government's expanding involvement in the US' various cold war efforts around the world.

"...David McDonald, this just in: David John McDonald will be the UK's new Prime Minister following the controversial exit of PM Christopher Eccleston, more to follow..."
"...David McDonald, this just in: David John McDonald will be the UK's new Prime Minister following the controversial exit of PM Christopher Eccleston, more to follow..."
TV news anchor Holly Willoughby announcing that MP David McDonald, a Scottish member of Parliament representing Surrey Heath, had won the Labour party's leadership election following Christopher Eccleston's announcement that he would be stepping down due to health concerns. Eccleston, who had served as leader of the Labour Party since 2002 and Prime Minister since 2004, had proven to be a controversial Prime Minister due to his opinions on the monarchy, though he's now considered to have been ahead of the curve on many issues, in particular trans rights. Many had hoped that McDonald would be more of a traditional Prime Minister, though as his tenure went on, it became clear why Eccleston clearly approved of him winning the leadership election. Much like Eccleston, McDonald and his successors, Matthew Robert Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whittaker, Ncuti Gatwa are all largely credited with moving the Labour Party further to the left, particularly with regards to social issues.

"Joe McCarthy and other Republicans tried to ruin Lester C. Hunt in 1954 by leveraging the arrest of his son. Not only did it not work, you could make the argument it's what led to Hunt running for President."
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"Joe McCarthy and other Republicans tried to ruin Lester C. Hunt in 1954 by leveraging the arrest of his son. Not only did it not work, you could make the argument it's what led to Hunt running for President."
Quote from the documentary ,,The Lamb fights back" about the Second Red Scare. Joe McCarthy and his group of ,,Fauxpublicans" (called that nowadays as they were later disawoved by the Republican Party) tried to frame Hunt's son as a Homosexual, but the sheer outrage at this decision motivated Hunt's 1956 run for the Presidency. He easily overtook ,,egghead" Adlai Stevenson and the scandal ridden John Kennedy, gaining the Democratic nomination and defeating the Republican nominee Nelson Rockefeller (both Eisenhover and Nixon refused the Republican nomination - the first due to his own struggles with health, and the second due to massive backlash and the popular opinion rapidly turning away from him) in a landslide.

JoeMcCarthy would be forced to resign in disgrace soon afterwards, eventualy being murdered by a Far Right Fanatic who accused him of being a ,,False Bolshevik Shephard" trying to ,,turn the Sons of America against one another".

Next : ,,... and we are calling it right now, Waldo has been proclaimed as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom."
Next : ,,... and we are calling it right now, Waldo has been proclaimed as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom."
- British newscaster declaring that Waldo Williams, the Welsh post and anti-war pacifist that had been serving as leader of the Labour Party since 1956 was the winner of the general election in 1964. A controversial Prime Minister, Waldo's legacy has recently been cast in a more positive light due to many now praising his decision to denounce Israel's seizing of Palestinian land. Despite this, many remain critical of Waldo not stepping down from leadership of the Labour Party until one year prior to his death.

"Today, it is not a matter of Black Men or White Men, former Slave or former Master, Unionist or Federalist. Today, all Men are Free Men." - James Garfield
"Today, it is not a matter of Black Men or White Men, former Slave or former Master, Unionist or Federalist. Today, all Men are Free Men." - James Garfield
Senator James Garfield on the passage and rapid ratification of the Reconstruction Amendment (13-15 OTL) after the Civil War's conclusion in 1867.

"My name is Chaim Abramsonn. I am a Jew." - Adolf Hitler, 1945.
Senator James Garfield on the passage and rapid ratification of the Reconstruction Amendment (13-15 OTL) after the Civil War's conclusion in 1867.

"My name is Chaim Abramsonn. I am a Jew." - Adolf Hitler, 1945.
Uttered by Hitler when captured by the Soviets on the 5th of May. During an attempt to escape Soviet troops closing in on his command bunker, a loose pile of bricks fell onto Hitler and his entourage trapping them and causing him to suffer brain damage. This led him to create a new persona when captured and identified by the Soviets. This didn't help him as he would be put on trial with the other members of his government and be sentenced to die. An unfortunate side effect though was the fact that he acted like someone who was suffering from a mental condition led to sympathy existing and believing the trial was a farce with some in modern times questioning the wisdom of putting on trial someone who likely wasn't mentally competent though few dare openly state such due to Hitler still being one of the most despised persons in modern history.

"As the saying goes, claims are not evidence, if you claim something you must back it up. I could claim that magical unicorns mated with Cornish pixies to produce the Earth, but if I want people to believe me I need evidence."
"As the saying goes, claims are not evidence, if you claim something you must back it up. I could claim that magical unicorns mated with Cornish pixies to produce the Earth, but if I want people to believe me I need evidence."
Excerpt from a Speech by Controversial Polish Politician Grzegorz Braun regarding Prussian Claims to the Łódź Voievodship. Following the collapse of the German Reich, the former Border Regions of the GG were returned to the newly Independent Polish Republic. However, following Heinrich Muller's accension to the position of Chancellor of the Prussian Reich, he restarted his country's expansionist policies, first by Invading and annexing the Hannoverian Kingdom (Operation Fredrick, 2011) and then by funding Ostland Loyalists in the Baltic Federation. His latest move was an attempted ultimatum for Poland to give back the ,,Stolen lands", which was universaly opposed across the Polish Political Spectrum (including the German Minority, mostly made up of Liberal Dissidents and political refugees from Muller's Regime).

Next : ,,And, at the age of 38, Joeseph R. Biden has been sworn in as the 42nd President of the United States."
Excerpt from a Speech by Controversial Polish Politician Grzegorz Braun regarding Prussian Claims to the Łódź Voievodship. Following the collapse of the German Reich, the former Border Regions of the GG were returned to the newly Independent Polish Republic. However, following Heinrich Muller's accension to the position of Chancellor of the Prussian Reich, he restarted his country's expansionist policies, first by Invading and annexing the Hannoverian Kingdom (Operation Fredrick, 2011) and then by funding Ostland Loyalists in the Baltic Federation. His latest move was an attempted ultimatum for Poland to give back the ,,Stolen lands", which was universaly opposed across the Polish Political Spectrum (including the German Minority, mostly made up of Liberal Dissidents and political refugees from Muller's Regime).

Next : ,,And, at the age of 38, Joeseph R. Biden has been sworn in as the 42nd President of the United States."
Walter Kronkite on the inaugeration of Joe Biden on January 21,1980. Due to his youth he was seen as the Second Coming of JFK. He was far more distributivist than Jack but his presidency saw the fall of the USSR, the consolidation of Milosevic, the sponsorship of Saudi and Jordanian republicans by the US, a repudiation of the interventionist policies of his predeccessors and the establishment of Universal healthcare and Universal pre-K-12. His youth had been used by Reagan infamously as he had only been a Delaware House member and had no Senate or intelligence experience. This was allayed by having Leo J Ryan as his Vice President. However, this was a blessing in disguise as his lack of affiliation with the intelligence community enabled him to push back against the Dulles-Roosevelt Consensus. His era of good feelings would lead to Ryan being elected after him for another 2 terms and a long and fruitful career in the Senate for both of them after their terms were up.

"Now Luz it turns out Hunter here is only mostly dead, if he were all dead there's only one thing you can do. Whats that riffle through his pockets for loose change
Neat idea. Mine was of Hitler disguising himself as a liberated concentration camp prisoner and trying to sneak into Argentina or some other country. I forgot to add the sentence, "I request asylum.", at the end of the quote.
Reminds me of that book called "A Man Lies Dreaming" where it ends with PI Hitler going into exile in Palestine...
It was a weird-ass book...
Walter Kronkite on the inaugeration of Joe Biden on January 21,1980. Due to his youth he was seen as the Second Coming of JFK. He was far more distributivist than Jack but his presidency saw the fall of the USSR, the consolidation of Milosevic, the sponsorship of Saudi and Jordanian republicans by the US, a repudiation of the interventionist policies of his predeccessors and the establishment of Universal healthcare and Universal pre-K-12. His youth had been used by Reagan infamously as he had only been a Delaware House member and had no Senate or intelligence experience. This was allayed by having Leo J Ryan as his Vice President. However, this was a blessing in disguise as his lack of affiliation with the intelligence community enabled him to push back against the Dulles-Roosevelt Consensus. His era of good feelings would lead to Ryan being elected after him for another 2 terms and a long and fruitful career in the Senate for both of them after their terms were up.

"Now Luz it turns out Hunter here is only mostly dead, if he were all dead there's only one thing you can do. Whats that riffle through his pockets for loose change
A quote from the 1985 Comedy Movie The Pirate and The Bride, starring Michael J Fox, Bruce Campbell, and Molly Ringwald, a postmodern look at the Fairy Tale tropes in a new comedic look, also led to the wildly popular spinoff series staring Chris Farley as the Foul Mouthed Ogre, Shrek

But one of the Biggest hits of 2008 was the unexpected hit blockbuster STEEL... Jon Farveau's movie on the then obscure DC Hero, played by Terrance Howard in this much more faithful adaptation of the character compared to the earlier one of the 90s... This movie showed to WB executives the profitabillity of Heroes other than Batman, and served as a nice prequel to The Rise of the Supermen trilogy of films set in the aftermath of Superman V: Doomsday
A quote from the 1985 Comedy Movie The Pirate and The Bride, starring Michael J Fox, Bruce Campbell, and Molly Ringwald, a postmodern look at the Fairy Tale tropes in a new comedic look, also led to the wildly popular spinoff series staring Chris Farley as the Foul Mouthed Ogre, Shrek

But one of the Biggest hits of 2008 was the unexpected hit blockbuster STEEL... Jon Farveau's movie on the then obscure DC Hero, played by Terrance Howard in this much more faithful adaptation of the character compared to the earlier one of the 90s... This movie showed to WB executives the profitabillity of Heroes other than Batman, and served as a nice prequel to The Rise of the Supermen trilogy of films set in the aftermath of Superman V: Doomsday
This Quote was taken directly from a rotten tomatoes review of the hit movie STEEL. This movie was the first in line of the now 4 STEEL movies as of 2023 with the final rumored to come out August of 2024. The hero starring in these movies is none of the man of steel himself…steel. These movie launched Terrance into an extremely successful partnership with DC starring as Superman for all the rest of the movies, rivaling even Disney’s iron man.

“In light of all this, I begin to wonder why Jesus was born in Bethlehem of all places.”
“In light of all this, I begin to wonder why Jesus was born in Bethlehem of all places.”
Quote attributed to the Roman Emperor Romanos III (commonly known as Romanos the Mad) following the rebellions of Syria in 1244 and the loss of Palestine to the Arab Caliphate. It is heavily debated whether or not he actually said this, not least of which because he was assassinated shortly afterwards.

"I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything. I don't care that you're the Pope, you still have no proof."
"I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything. I don't care that you're the Pope, you still have no proof."
A desperate Brindisini who had the incredible misfortune to be brushing his teeth with illegal toothpaste imported from Yugoslavia when the Roman Pope came to his building to speak to a local priest but went into apartment 212 instead of 221. The Brindisini was executed five weeks later.

"It says here that you've been charged with every crime bar arson."
"It says here that you've been charged with every crime bar arson."
A line from the 1992's Predator 3. The line is directed at Roddy Piper's character Royce Bishop, who ends up being the leader of the band of convicts sent to hunt down the Yautja being dropped in a remote jungle. Royce's only response to the line is, "actually it's barring any sex crimes. I've done plenty of arson."

"By 1968, two terms of Kennedy had left Democratic voters feeling complacent. Republicans knew this would happen, and it resulted in a rather crowded primary field. In what was considered one of the biggest political upsets of all time, former Governor of Minnesota turned perennial candidate Harold Stassen was the man that ended up being that years nominee. While at the time it looked like the Democrats had it in the bag, Stassen demonstrated that you should never underestimate your opponents."
"By 1968, two terms of Kennedy had left Democratic voters feeling complacent. Republicans knew this would happen, and it resulted in a rather crowded primary field. In what was considered one of the biggest political upsets of all time, former Governor of Minnesota turned perennial candidate Harold Stassen was the man that ended up being that years nominee. While at the time it looked like the Democrats had it in the bag, Stassen demonstrated that you should never underestimate your opponents."
A summary regarding how Harold Strassen would beat the odds and become the president of the United States. By 1968, the Kennedy terms have brought in plenty of prosperity for the Americans in many fields, including healthcare reform through the expansion of Medicaid, Medicare and so on. As such, the Democrats were feeling fairly confidant over their potential victory, which the Republicans tried to exploit. However, this led to many of them eating their own support off one another, especially when the accusations of blackmail or worse came about.

This was a major contibuting factor over to the victory of Strassen in the primaries. Strassen meanwhile would end up doing quite well in spite of or because of his liberalism. While he did not agree completely with all of the healthcare reforms of President Kennedy, he still supported government healthcare in his own form. This along with having a bit more of an affable image than Lyndon B Johnson allowed for Strassen to become President with his running mate Willian Scranton becoming Vice President. Strassen would have a relatively smooth presidency and despite some of the controversy of his positions among his contemporaties, they would prove beneficial in the long run. His concern over the Vietnam War led to less American involvement in Southeast Asia, instead focusng on North and South Korea joining the United Nations. The nations ended up in an armistice and then later joined under the Ho Chi Minh government though at the same time, siding informally with the Americans, much to the shock of many (though some pundits noted that in retrospect, it was somewhat obvious given the history Vietnam and China had together). President Strassen also led to the increasing relations with Cuba (something that won him points over Kennedy). And of course, Strassen heading over to China.

While somewhat criticized for his dovish approach, it had positive effects and helped continue the peace and stability. One note was Strassen's refusal of involvement in the Six-Day War, at least in supporting Israel. This would lead to Israel forced to make some concessions regarding their 'acquired' territory. While some noted this led to a worsening of relatons for a while, others noted that this also aided the economy given the concerns over Arab nations with oil. On a domestic level, Strassen focused on continuing to aid America's problems. Despite his view on the healthcare matter, he did increase Medicare coverage to children 10 and under. This would be expanded to 18 and under in his second term due to the concern of America's adolescent youth. He also helped put in a sort of UBI over pregnant women, especally single mothers, to aid them. President Strassen would be highly regarded and would swing the Republicans more to the left (along with the Democrats). Other noteworthy things was the creation of the EPA (a bipartisan project Strassen noted was inspired by Theodoe Roosevelt's ideals) and the like.

He would leave 1976 in good spirits though bittersweet as Vice President Scranton would lose against Democrat Mo Udall in 1976. Udall would continue on similar ideals along with helping America out of the turmoil that was the 1979 Oil Crisis, which saw a massive need to invest in alternate fuel (which would see the expansion of nuclear power on advice from Jimmy Carter). President Udall would win reelection in 1980 and would finish overhauling Medicare into a single-payer healthcare system covering everyone. 1984 would see Scranton make a win and firmly solidfy the new political status quo, despite the supposed rise of a new form of conservatism.

The Strassen victory was important for showing the importance of not underestimating your political opponents, the concerns of a crowded field in political parties and that the liberal Republicans still had some life left, and indeed resurged thanks to Strassen. Beyond helping to contibute to civil rights, healthcare, welfare and growth, Strassen would become highly regarded for his foreign policy prevent escalation and helping America avoid potential conflicts and unnecessary wars. At the same time, he also contributed to a growing schism with the Republicans that led to the rise of the Constitutional Party, a third party more on the hard-right. That said, the Republicans bounced back thanks to an increase of Republicans of color and the Constitutional Party would prove to be the ground for the ex-Dixiecrats and for the harder conservatives though would be unable to gain much traction, instead earning an unsavory reputation.

"American involvement in the Soviet-Afghanistan War changed from just arming to the mujahideen to restoring the constitutional monarchy. This would turn out quite successful."