America's story through the presidents

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Presidents of the United States
1) George Washington 1789-97 n/a First president, set precedents, humble, led the American Revolution and regarded as a father of the people, Washington, D.C. named in his honor, owned slaves, anti political parties
2) John Adams 1797-1801 F Bad president known for abuse of powers, alien & sedition act
3) Thomas Jefferson 1801-09 DR owned slaves, hated presidency, accomplishments prior to president, Louisiana purchase
4) James Madison 1809-17 DR War of 1812, burning of White House
5) James Monroe 1817-25 DR Era of good feeling, Monroe Doctrine, last of the founding fathers
6) John Q. Adams 1825-29 DR Son of John Adams, bad president just like his father, corrupt bargain
7) Andrew Jackson 1829-37 D Terrible person, asserted presidential power, manifest destiny, genocide of American Indians
8) Martin van Buren 1837-41 D Not much to say
9) William Harrison 1841 W * Died 100 days in office for not wearing a coat
10) John Tyler 1841-45 W First Vice President to take over after death of president, Hail to the Chief
11) James Polk 1845-49 D Another Jacksonian president
12) Zachary Taylor 1849-50 W * Died from bad cherries, and spoiled milk, military man
13) Henry Fillmore 1850-53 W Finished Taylor's term, last Whig
14) Franklin Pierce 1853-57 D Bad president, tried to appease everyone and appeased no one, fight over slavery reaches fever pitch
15) James Buchanan 1857-61 D First gay president, otherwise bad president
16) Abraham Lincoln 1861-65 R Hero president, saved the union, choose not to run in 1864, survived assassination attempt when John Wilkes Booth's gun jammed
17) George McClellan 1865-73 D Ended reconstruction era
18) Ulysses Grant 1873-77 D Civil war hero
19) Rutherford Hayes 1877-81 D Compromise president, first president to use a phone, phone number was "1"
20) Clarence Grayfell 1881-89 D Meh
21) Grover Cleveland 1889-93 D Baby scandal
22) Ernst van Tiller 1893-97 D Meh
23) William McKinley 1897-1901 D Assassinated led to Teddy Roosevelt
24) Theodore Roosevelt 1901-09 D One of the best presidents, progressive Democrat, expanded national parks, conservationist, trust-buster, built up Navy, Navy tour around the world, first president to serve more then two terms
25) Howard Taft 1909-13 D Friendship with Roosevelt ended
26) Theodore Roosevelt 1913-17 P Third non-consecutive term, created Progressive party as alternative to the Socialist movement
27) Eugene Debs 1917-25 S Led socialist revolution, cult of personality, renamed capital Debs, D.C., kept US out of the Great War, intervened in Russian Civil War on behalf of communists, opposed alcohol prohibition, women given right to vote, diplomatic relations with Soviet Union, Cold War with Britain, Supported Ho Chi Minh's struggle against French colonists
28) Robert LaTollette 1925-29 S Four more years of socialism, encouraged Ho Chi Minh to adopt socialism over communism
29) Herbert Hoover 1929-33 D Rolled back socialist policies, West Virginia coal massacre, briefly shifted US to pro British foreign policy, US-Anglo intervention in Canadian civil war against Red Canadian socialists, Canadian socialists win, US and UK troops leave in disgrace
30) Franklin Roosevelt 1933-45 S * Returned US to socialism, guided US through dark days of depression, saved US from a fascist uprising, held together shaky alliance with USSR and the United Kingdom, war hero, died before seeing victory over fascism, last president elected to more than two terms
31) Harry Truman 1945-53 S Made tough decision to use Atom bombs on Japan, pressured by pro-soviet member of Congress to share nuclear technology with Soviet Union, legalized same-sex marriage, welcomed homosexual refugees from Great Britain including Alan Turing, UK allies with South Korea, US sends medical aid to North Korea, cold war with UK
32) Dwight Eisenhower 1953-61 P Return of progressives, WWII war hero, "We will no longer participate in the Soviet's communist conquest of the world", beginning of mini-Cold War with Soviet Union, kept US on somewhat friendly terms with Soviet Union due to common enemy with UK in the Major-Cold War, US enters "comintern" to preserve diplomatic relations between socialists and communists
33) John Kennedy 1961-64 S * Took a stand in the fight between Socialism and Communism, convinced Fidel Castro to adopt socialism, war with Cuban communists, mini-cold war heats up, survived 11/22/63 attempt with a punctured lung, returned to office on Christmas day 1963, died due to complications on August 15th, 1964
34) Lyndon Johnston 1964-69 S Served Kennedy's term plus one more term, kept alliance with Socialist-Democratic Republic of Vietnam, won Vietnam war against French south Vietnam, great society, Civil Rights Act of 1964
35) Robert Kennedy 1969-73 S Survived attempt on his life in 1968, won the space race with Britain and France
36) Richard Nixon 1973-77 D First Democrat since Hoover, dramatic policy changes, economic malaise, left office in disgrace
37) James Dean 1977-80 P Return of progressives, poor president, assassinated by mentally unstable man
38) Eugene McCarthy 1980-81 P Finished out Dean's term, comprehensive gun control, expanded funding for mental health
39) Ronald Reagan 1981-89 L Dramatic policy shift, peace with UK, US leaves comintern, cold war with USSR, highest threat of global nuclear war since Newfoundland missile crisis, US and Russian first wives friendship credited with preventing nuclear war, Reagan and Gorby, compromise with Socialists capital name changes to Washington-Debs D.C. Last two-term president
40) George Bush 1989-93 P Return to friendlier times, end of Cold War
41) William Clinton 1993-97 S Post cold war return of socialist party
42) H. Ross Perot 1997-2001 L Roll back of socialist policies, unions see highest loss of power since Reagan, US enters recession, jobs shift overseas
43) Al Gore 2001-05 P Kyoto agreements, New York plot prevented, capture of UBL in Pakistan
44) Michael Badnarik 2005-09 L Hurricane Katrina, Great recession
45) Barrack Obama 2009- P First African-American president
Remarkable that people are still able to be born despite the entire course of history changing a century prior, and are also able to fall into the exact same roles at the exact same time.
Barrack Obama. First cousin of Barack Obama, served in the army. Second cousin of Stockade Obama.
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Better formatted list, but no information

1. George Washington (Independent), 1789-1797
2. John Adams (Federalist), 1797-1801
3. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican), 1801-1809
4. James Madison (Democratic-Republican), 1809-1817
5. James Monroe (Democratic-Republican), 1817-1825
6. John Quincy Adams (Democratic-Republican), 1825-1829

7. Andrew Jackson (Democratic), 1829-1837
8. Martin Van Buren (Democratic), 1837-1841

9. William Henry Harrison (Whig), 1841 (died)
10. John Tyler (Whig), 1841-1845

11. James K. Polk (Democratic), 1845-1849
12. Zachary Taylor (Whig), 1849-1850 (died)
13. Henry Fillmore (Whig), 1850-1853

14. Franklin Pierce (Democratic), 1853-1857
15. James Buchanan (Democratic), 1857-1861

16. Abraham Lincoln (Republican), 1861-1865
17. George McClellan (Democratic), 1865-1873
18. Ulysses S. Grant (Democratic), 1873-1877
19. Rutherford B. Hayes (Democratic), 1877-1881
20. Clarence Grayfell (Democratic), 1881-1889
21. Grover Cleveland (Democratic), 1889-1893
22. Ernst van Tiller (Democratic), 1893-1897
23. William McKinley (Democratic), 1897-1901 (killed)
24. Theodore Roosevelt (Democratic), 1901-1909
25. Howard Taft (Democratic), 1909-1913

26. Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive), 1913-1917
27. Eugene V. Debs (Socialist), 1917-1925
28. Robert LaTollette (Socialist), 1925-1929

29. Herbert Hoover (Democratic), 1929-1933
30. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Socialist), 1933-1945 (died)
31. Harry Truman (Socialist), 1945-1953

32. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Progressive), 1951-1961
33. John F. Kennedy (Socialist), 1961-1964 (died)
34. Lyndon B. Johnson (Socialist), 1964-1969
35. Robert Kennedy (Socialist), 1969-1973

36. Richard Nixon (Democratic), 1973-1977
37. James Dean (Progressive), 1977-1980 (killed)
38. Eugene McCarthy (Progressive), 1980-1981

39. Ronald Reagan (Libertarian), 1981-1989
40. George H. W. Bush (Progressive), 1989-1993

41. William Clinton (Socialist), 1993-1997
42. H. Ross Perot (Libertarian), 1997-2001
43. Al Gore (Progressive), 2001-2005
44. Michael Badnarik (Libertarian), 2005-2009
45. Barack Obama (Progressive), 2009-

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