America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

Spring 1987- Unexpected Developments
  • Spring 1987- Unexpected Development


    Structural diagram of zidovudine also known as azidothymidine (AZT)
    With the arrival of Spring, there would come further changes and developments. The 1980s were in full-swing and Congress was in session. Unsurprisingly, both the Fair District Representation Act and the Fair Reapportion Act would be passed. As such, many became quite excited for the next round of elections as the various districts would be redrawn to be fair while also more House Rep positions would be created to accomodate the growing population. Combine that with the inevitable 1990 census and many saw it as the groundwork for a more modern America in political representation. In the meanwhile, other developments were being put into place. Talks of increasing the minimum wage were brought back to help further maintain the economic growth. Additionally, thanks to the success of the Affordable Medical Study Tuition Program in helping to get more students into the field of medicine without the concern of student loans or financial burdens, expansion to that and the creation of other potential programs were being considered. Law students have been working for such a thing and talks with Congress have been in development though the details remain sparse. One consistent talking point among that was the need for more public defenders.

    This was not the only developments going on right now in the world. The drug AZT would be approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in the treatment of HIV/AIDS [1]. As research continues on with the troublesome virus, though many hope that with the AMST Program, that more people will be going into virology to further understand and study it in order to beat it. Meanwhile, Micheal Eisner and the Disney company have been looking further into a “Euro Disney” project though they have been delayed by detail negotiations and other phenomenon, such as deciding locations along with expenses and the differing cultures. Prime Minister Roy Hattersley would conduct an hour long interview over on Soviet television, doing so as a way to show himself in the public eye and gather more interest along with analyzing the diplomatics situation.

    Other fascinating bits would be the return of Macau over to the PROC by 1999 as an agreement between them and Portugal. [1] Meanwhile, MetroFox Media would end up previewing one of their first future bits on MetroFox; over in the new Tracy Ullman show, a sketch comedy show that would become known for introducing the animated shorts for what would become the The Simpsons. The first Starbucks outside of the United States would open over in Canada and speaking of Canada, Prime Minister Mulroney and the Provincial Premiers continue to try and hammer out the principles on the Meech Lake Accord which would bring Quebec into the constitution, though execution issues caused to start lagging, especially with Mulroney only having a minority government. Overall, the world kept changing and as it did, people adapted and prepared for it. The Afghan-Pakistani War was already having the US and USSR into further talks as the war continued, with the topics being on potential intervention, the logistics surrounding it and the preparation for taking in refugees over from the war. However, while there was war… there was also the hope for peace.

    [1]- Information and phrasing taken from here:

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    1987: The Peres-Hussein Solution
  • 1987: The Peres-Hussein Solution

    One of the longest problems that had been had been haunting Israel was how to deal with the situation of Palestine, born from the broken promises of the British and the historical uncertainty of what to do now. Lack of compromise and bitterness contributed this troublesome situation. This has been the case throughout the decades, especially with the various wars and conflicts. However. As the dust settled down and people tired of war, there was the hope for peace and that someday, all of this could be resolved without bloodshed. And that hope began manifesting over in 1984 with the election of Shimon Peres of the Alignment Party. The Alignment Party had been edging out the Likud more and more since the late 1970s, especially with the growing resolutions toward peace with Iran and the general need of a solution without overreliance on the Americans. As such, this growing global wave of progressive politics even began influencing Israel. With achieving a coalition with Hadesh, Ratz and Shinui, Peres could begin implementing his ideas in full. One of which was the option for resolving the issues with Palestine: The Jordanian Option.

    And the agreement for the conference would be established in early April between King Hussein of Jordan and Shimon Peres. Also present in the meeting were Jordanian Prime Minister Zaid al-Rifai and Director General of the Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry, Yossi Beilin [1].

    The Agreement that began the conference, hosted by the United Nations, outlined the purpose of the conference to be "the peaceful solution of the Arab–Israeli conflictbased on resolutions 242 and 338 and a peaceful solution of the Palestinian problem in all its aspects." The agreement also stipulated that the conference would not impose a solution on the parties, and that the Palestinians would be represented by the Jordanian delegation. Additionally, the requirements were that all parties accept UNSC Resolutions 242 and 338 as well as renounce violence and terrorism, which both sides would accept. This would also have the side effect of excluding PLO participation [1]. The plan would be later submitted to US Secretary of State Jimmy Carter for American support. After plenty of good natured talks and cordial discussion, they finalized on most of the major issues.

    Most of the West Bank would be under Jordanian sovereignty with the exception of Hebron and Jerusalem. Hebron would be annexed by Israel, with the people there being offered Jordanian citizenship to leave or figure out matters with Israel while Jerusalem would scheduled for a later conference due to time constraints and a request for further time on a solution for there. This along with other matters such as Gaza remained to be discussed, but for now, a major milestone has been achieved along with the ongoing plans.

    Unsurprisingly, there was quite a mix of reactions here. Many nations around the world were pretty elated at the positive progress being made, with congratulations coming over from President Udall and Vice President Askew of the United States and even Gorbachev of the Soviet Union professed optimism at the situation. Even most nations in the Middle East expressed a form of relief, including Iran. Even Saudi Arabia have their tepid approval of the matters. Unsurprisingly the PLO were quite shocked and rather devastated by what happened. Some saw it as a betrayal while others fell into outrage and increased the infighting within the group, with tensions growing higher, likely to result in violence potentially spilling out

    Meanwhile, the population of most of the West Bank would feel a sense of wariness yet relief in finally being able to live their lives in peace while the people in Hebron were left dealing with the complicated situation they were in though Israel, Jordan and the UN were lending aid on that front.

    The people of Gaza meanwhile felt more a sense of resignation. It seemed like the end of the an independent Palestine and for many, the answers of what to do remained in the wind. One answer came in the form of the United States, who under humanitarian aims, agrees to take on a number of people of the West Bank or Gaza over the years to immigrate to the United States, with a few other nations like Canada being influenced to follow suit regarding these arrangements. Another answer was trying to appeal to Israel for some form of autonomy on the matter, especially as the leadership struggle has worsened. Jordan meanwhile was abuzz with dealing with the sudden expansion though outside assistance from the UN would help ensure the process being done smoothly and helped increase Jordanian prestige in the world. Peres would unsurprisingly catch a lot of flak for this in Israel from his opponents, but at the same time, they still got Hebron and there was now a greater chance for peace along with cooperation, namely in dealing with the violent individuals who would contest the deal made between the two nations. Indeed, preparations were being made to increase security around the parts along with that for the next meeting, which would occur within the next few years.

    And all the while, as people were filling out paperwork and preparing for this grand transition either by getting used to being Jordanians, preparing discussions with the Israeli government or taking the American route to immigrate under a form of “special circumstance”. There was a sense of relief among most people and also a sense of hope. Not everything was resolved, but it was certainly a massive step forward in doing so.


    [1]- Phrasing and information coming from here:–Hussein_London_Agreement
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    Summer 1987- Wallcracks
  • Summer 1987- Wallcracks


    Berlin Wall section mentioned in Udall speech
    "Mr. Gorbachev, do us all a favor and break the wall"

    These rather sassy yet strong words were the memorable words of President Mo Udall during a visit over to West Berlin over in mid June 1987. The speech was a bit controversial and security was beefed out of precaution though Udall's patient approach along with his routes toward peace has made him fairly amicable among a good bit of the Soviets. He called upon for Mikhail Gorbachev to break the wall seperated the two halves of Berlin. The visit was done over in to give a speech, having noted the detrimental influence the wall was having on both sides and if they wanted this stress to really continue. While a respectful speech, the slight edge over on the key phrase was one also of cheekiness. That even with his Parkinson's, the President has not lost his spark and with it, came the wit. While the speech was done to assuage the worries of some of his critics for being too soft, it was done also as a tongue-in-cheek reference to further relaxing of tensions between the two and why still have the wall. Unsurpirsingly, the speech would be viewed as a bit concerning among some of those in the Udall administration and some noted the president was becoming bolder because he could tell his time was coming to an end. Regardless however, it would come to become one of the defining moments over the time period and become much more impactful just a few short years later.

    Beyond the wall speech, much was happening in the middle of 1987. While the United States was preparing to deal with the oncoming immigrants as a result of the historic the Peres-Hussein Solution and the subseqent consequences, more history was being made. Teddy Seymour is officially designated the first black man to sail around the world, when he completes his solo sailing circumnavigation in Frederiksted, St. Croix, of the United States Virgin Islands. Another American celeberation would later occur in American woman Lynne Cox becomes the first person to swim the Bering Strait, crossing from Little Diomede Island to Big Diomede in 2 hours and 5 minutes. In additional news regarding the court, in the case of Edwards v. Aguillard, in a near-unanimous stance, the Supreme Court of the United States rules that a Louisiana law requiring that creation science be taught in public schools whenever evolution is taught is unconstitutional. [1] Overall, it seemed like there was a growing wave of positive and support that would be happening throughout the time period.

    Around the world, much was happening. The UK would see a change come in with a hung parliament, resulting in the Tories under new leader Sir Geoffrey Howe managing to form a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats with many noting that while the LibDems has nibbled from both parties, they seemed to have taken a substanically bigger bite from the Tory voter base. Roy Hattersley became became leader of the opposition though many have speculated that he may not stay as leader of the Labour party and speculations wondered who it cold be. Many have noted the growing prominence of Peter Shore along with the return of Tony Benn, especially with SATMIN social movements, with the Bennites being predicted to start making a comeback at the time. Other Anglosphere news was on Bob Hawke 's Labor Government having grown an even larger majority government in Australia while Canada would introduce the "Loonie", a one dollar coin. Over in most of Europe, the Single European Act would be published by the European Community. Being the first major revision of the 1957 Treaty of Rome, the SIngle Eurorpean Act would set the European Community an objective of establishing a single market by 31 December 1992. [2] Other political movements could be seen; Taiwan would see the end of martial law in the nation after 38 years while South Korea would see the presidential candidate of the ruling party Roh Tae-woo makes a speech promising a wide program of nationwide reforms, all thanks because of the efforts of the June Democracy Movement. Despite some of the various troubles and pains, with everything moving forward, there was some positive sights encouraging everyone to go.

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
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    Autumn 1987- Udall For Three
  • Autumn 1987- Udall For Three


    Portrait of third Supreme Court Judge placed by Udall; Patricia Wald

    President Mo Udall would quite the opportunity for shaping the Supreme Court with the announcement of the retirement of Lewis F Powell, Jr from the Supreme Court, many likely citing of his age, but also potentially influenced in his regret over his decision in the earlier sodomy case. As such, the Udall administration would go back and look through the list of choices and one in particular that stood out was Patricia Wald. Raised mainly by her mother and extended family who were union members, she had a Roman Catholic upbringing and worked in brass mills as a teenager during the summers. Due to her involvement in the labor movement and union work, she went to law school to help protect underprivileged, working class people and would keep rising. She would even manage to manage to get in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit back in 1981 as one of Udall's first actions, her being the first woman to be appointed to the District of Columbia Circuit and was also the first woman to serve as its chief judge. [1] Unsurprisingly with her prominent workforce bond, she would go and make it through the House and Senate, with Patricia Wald taking the place of Powell Jr in the Supreme Court. Many wonder what the future would hold, given how two Supreme Court justices have indicated their own potential upcoming retirements within the next few years.

    Meanwhile, autumn would begin seeing the rise of many people beginning to declare their desires to run for presidency. For the Democrats, unsurprisingly Reubin Askew would run for the candidacy of the Democrats. He notes that his time in the Udall Administration has helped him decide in what he wanted to do along with the reforms he wished to make, with his goals being more toward maintaining Udall's work, but also increased political openness and tackling some of the problems within the federal system. He would be challenged by certain candidates such as Al Gore and Jesse Jackson, the former trying to portray as a moderate and the latter more for the need of representation, though would be hamstrung for certain past comments. However, it would be the Republican primaries that would be much more fascinating. Bob Dole would run for the candidacy, trying to present as a middle ground between the Liberal Republicans and the remnants of Reagan and Nixon supporters. Another nig name was John B. Anderson, claiming that it would be needed to try and move forward with the party. Others included Jack Kemp and Alexander Meigs Haig Jr running for the GOP candidacy. Many are curious to see where everything would go.

    While all of these events were happening, moreso was buzzing about in the news. Pope John Paull II would go over to the United States, specifcially over in Los Angeles and San Francisco to promote peace and prosperity along with speaking to the local leader of the entertainment industry. [2] Over in Brașov, Romania,many of the workers rebel against the regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu. Though the Brașov Rebellion did not directly lead to revolution, it dealt a serious blow to the Ceaușescu regime, and its confidence in the trade unions and underscored the growing discontent among workers against the Ceaușescu regime. [3] Various storms and troubles was leading the case for people to get involved to help, especially in the background of the Afghan-Pakistani War, which would see Afghanistan and their ally in India starting gaining more ground over on Pakistan, as the nation is sandwiched between the India's greater numers, Afghanistan going full-out guerilla fighting while trying to win over their Pashtun brethren over in Pakistan, all with the growing grasp of the military dictatorship going on.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:șov_rebellion

    1987 Overview
  • 1987 Overview

    1987 would begin with two prominent reforms within the United States, regarding voting. Increasing the size of the House of Representatives, it also did away with gerrymandering, a controversial tactic done by political parties to give unfair advantages while also potentiall driving to political hardlining. It provided further hope with a better tomorrow for Americans, especially with the next election on whether the Democrats can maintain the White House, Senate and the House or if the divided Republicans can try and make a comeback. Other reforms were being done and Udall would even get a third Supreme Justice put into place and helping to further cement quite a legacy for the president. Yet work remained being done such as further helping wit the HIV/AIDS crisis, Congress' potential work with assisting tuition of law students and plenty of other issues. All while the rest of the world kept making new changes and developments.

    China would see a new leader rise in the form of Zhou Ziyang, taking place of Hu Yaobang. Like Yaobang, he was a reformer and would be on a crash course with the hardliners within the Chinese Communist Party though Ziyang's rise to fame thanks to his visit to the White House alongside Deng Xiaoping has been complicating matters considerabl, especially with Ziyang communicating further with the Americans. Having noticed how the Russians established their own computer science, the consideration for them to do so was also there. Another foundational moment would be the the Peres-Hussein Solution. Established by PM Peres and King Hussein, it would see the occupied West Bank be transferred to Jordan as a way to resolve the Palestine problem. Despite some of the criticism and troubles, such as the logistics of population movement and with the settlers, it would be ultimately lauded as a major step of peace and stability, though questions such as Gaza and Jerusalem remained to be discussed within the next few years though some in Gaza have begun forming into groups and hope to compromise with the Israelites or immgirated to the United States, the latter organized a program to prepare for such an event. Martial law ended in Taiwan and change came in South Korea. All while the Afghan-Pakistani War raged on and the tension in the area kept building. Afghanistan kept slowly but surely clawing their way into Pashtunistan while trying to rile the nationalists in Baluchistan. Meanwhile, over on the Punjab front, both India and Pakistan increased the fervor there though the blockades and embargos on the past few years have weakened Pakistan and the government growing more hostile to one another.

    Aretha Franklin became the first woman to be inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. Micheal Jackson released his famous album in Bad, despite the potential rumors he may be taking a hiatus from music in a few years. U2 came out with the album "With or Without You" while Whitney Houston rose up in further prominence after her guest star appearance in Huxtables' House while Guns N' Roses released their debut album. Over in film, Three Men and a Baby was a heartwarming comedy on fatherhood while Robin Williams would star in Good Morning, Vietnam. The Untouchables proved to be quite popular too while Predation (1) further Arnold's career as he would play a military leader leading his men to investigate a strange incident where they are being hunted by a powerful extraterrestial, showing an element of fear on facing a predator, especially seeing Arnold's character be overpowered in grappling. Other films like Monster Squad were doing quite well. In video games, Mike Tyson's Punchout! let people box with Little Mac while the first Final Fantasy game would come out, starting a prominent franchise. Television would change forever in animation with the first The Simpsons shorts on the Tracey Ullman show while Disney, after getting their feet warm with The Wuzzles and The Gummi Bears (inspired by a shelved project based on adapting the Chronicles of Prydain), they would release Ducktales, the first in a large lineup planned of Disney animated shows, here starring the adventures of Donald's Uncle Scrooge and Donald's three nephews.Though not all was positive with Disney as their "Euro Disney" plans stagnated due to concerns over potential culture clashes in Europe. All while more shows and sitcoms were coming out.

    (1)- Yup, this takes the place of Terminator. Also, not sure if Spaceballs would come out or if it would, some of the jokes might be pretty different.

    Let me know if missed anyting in 1987!
    Winter 1988- Soviet Friction
  • Winter 1988- Soviet Friction


    Flag of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast
    The 1980s were approaching their twilight, but change has not yet finished with the decade. The Soviet Union under Gorbachev would begin rolling out perestroika, a massive program of economic reform and restructuring of the Soviet economy. Despite the initial concerns of the economy gearing toward neoliberalism by some of the hardliners, such concerns were corrected by Gorbachev. Instead, the economic program was a modernization of Lenin's own "New Economic Plan" from decades prior. Like its predecessor, perestroika focused on granting private individuals to own small and medium sized enterprises while the state continued to control large industries, banks and foreign trade. [1] Additionally, other elements were introduced, including socialist self-management, where the managers of these more private enterprises were supervised by workers' councils that each had a vote'; this along with other elements that gave the common worker influence in their work place. The hope was in repeating the success of the NEP as well as establishing "Soviet market socialism". While these reforms did look rather hopeful, the Soviet Union was suffering elsewhere, namely in some of its constinuent states.

    The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast, after years of ethnic tension and strife, would try and secede from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic to go and join their Armeanian kin over in the Armenian SSR. With tensions running high, the Nagorno-Karabakh War began between the two SSRs. [2] And matters would worsen over with Azerbaijan going with the "Sumgait pogrom", a series of vicious attacks that targeted the Armenian population of the seaside town of Sumgait in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic in late February 1988. The violence in Sumgait was unexpected and was widely covered in the Western press. This and the war would be met with general astonishment in Armenia and the rest of the Soviet Union since ethnic feuds in the country had been largely suppressed by the government, which had promoted policies such as proletarian internationalism, fraternity of peoples, and socialist patriotism to avert such conflicts. [3] Many saw this as the beginning of greater troubles within the USSR. Namely, of the political turmoil of the constinuent republics, desiring for more autonomy combined with the ethnic tensions and resentment against the ruling party. Some have hoped that Gorbachev could go and lean into political reforms to try and sort this out while the hardliners were becoming increasingly frustrated and concerned about their potential loss of power.

    Other large political changes loomed across the world outside the great Soviet. Vice-President Lee Teng-hui would take over as President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang following the death of Chiang Ching-kuo. The constitution of the Sixth Republic of Korea comes into effect and bringing the hope of stability over in South Korea while North Korea was undergoing struggles. And the Nazi connections of Austria's president Kurt Waldheim would be become practically confirmed with a Nazi document implicating him in World War II deportations. [4] This would lead to increasing friction as Waldheim would become a persona non grata to a growing number of nations in the world. All while war continued in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, the war having gone for over a year and going into two, wth Afghanistan and India further pushing into Pakistan and the notation of their demands. Many wonder what would break first here... All around the world, political news was buzzing and many were wondering were the next one would come...

    It turns out... from none other than the United States primaries...

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [4]- Informstion and phrasing from here:
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    1988- Internal Fracture
  • 1988- Internal Fracture

    The 1988 United States election would become a historical moment for the nation, mainly for what would be set down the line. However, it would be less over on the general election and more on the primaries. The Democrat primaries were relatively calm and quiet, with Vice President Reubin Askew being the favorite to win for nomination though it also served to guage the field of the party as a whole. The more conservative faction had remained pretty brow-beaten and quiet within the party while others, like the neoliberal minority, have been finding not much success. More and more progressive candidates or at lease moderates willing to moreso alongside progressive policies have been making their mark over on the Democrat party and it would seem that would be the trend for the next few years as well. The question also lingered on who Reubin Askew would bring in as his running mate.

    Unlike the peace of the Democrat primaries, the Republican primaries were a hectic mess. From the unsuccessful of vindicating Reagan done by Jack Kemp to the lack of focus on domestic policies from George HW Bush, it would seem that there was not much to pick in though. Bob Dole stood out along with John B. Anderson. While they were the big names over, they were much more than that. They seem to represent the divisions between the Liberal Republicans led by John B. Anderson alongside folk like John Chafee, Jim Saxton and Charles Mathias and the more conservative factions, such as the former neoconservatives that once followed Reagan and the more moderate folk who followed Ford and Nixon. At first glance, it was a war for the soul of the Republican Party though more accurately, it was over whether the Republicans could stabily contain the growing changes and conflicts along with what they stood for.

    Much has happened since Udall was first voted in back in 1980. Third wave feminism was in full swing; beyond their success over with the Amendment and further securing the protection and rights of abortion, they were also engaging against the toxic practices of machismo, sexual harassment and other ugly biases toward women along with promoting the freedom and rights of all women, including transwomen and others who are feminine. The SATMIN civil rights wave found similar success as with greater protections, they moved on to educate the masses and reach out, showing to their heterosexual cis-kin that they were just as American as they were, normalizing the complex truth of how life was and walk in arms toward a brighter future. Both of these were led and followed by promonent people of color, showing their rising influence and the hopes for their own further search for equality. For certain conservative folk and others, it was all quite overwhelming at times. Of course, for certain politicians, they saw this as opportunity. In desperation, some of the older political advisors and planners turned to an old tactic in the hopes of using it once more: The Southern Strategy. An infamous political strategy used by the Republican Party to garner support for the party in the Deep South, it relied on exploiting racial tensions and has been refined to focus more on nebulous terms like "state rights" and other vague concepts that carried certain connotations, such as Reagan's attacks on "welfare queens". With all of these vast changes, they saw it as an opportunity to try and stoke up those very same flames once more.

    Not everyone was on board here though because it was the primaries, it would seem to be secondary to what some of the party heads were deeming it along with what would go with the voters were seemingly wanting and so on. However, that did not stop some of the tactics from appearing. However, things were different. The Southern Strategy was not as appealing to the Liberal Republicans, especially to the Log Cabin Republicans and Republicns of color. But quite notably, not to James B. Anderson. To where he went over to try and stop the implementation of the stategy to various Republican Party leaders, not just within the general election, but in all of them, viewing it as a detriment to the image of the party. Despite his efforts, he would be relatively unsuccessful, especially as some would try and use it to clamp down on what they already have and what could be grown. This would especially be the case for some of the evangelicalists of the time, trying to capitalize on that same reactionary opportunity.

    It was the final straw.

    Over in the early months of 1988, John B. Anderson announced his resignation; he was dropping out of the primary for the Republican candidancy... and retiring out of the party all together. But rather than quit the race, he would make a statement.

    John Bayard Anderson would run as an independent candidate for the president.

    When asked why, he said he did not fit in much with the Republican Party and could no longer support some of the strategies and tactics they were now using, especially those that relied on stoking resentment and anger toward fellow Americans rather than on any meaningful policy, all for the purposes of getting votes. The allusion to the return of the Southern Strategy was enough to get people's attention and it would soon come to return to the people's mainstream thought. Anderson's final duties was addressing the Liberal Republicans, encouraging them to keep fighting and changing. Mathias had planned to retire in 1987, but was convinced by Anderson to try and stay for one more term, in the event Anderson could not stay. Seeing the success they were having with growing the Liberal Republican wing, Mathias stayed. He suspected Anderson may try and leave and thus he would take the reigns.

    Both parties were shocked, albeit over diffeent reasons. The GOP saw it as a big blow to their confidence, especially when Anderson would give his reasons as to why, causing the fractures to grow much larger in the party and their reputation now tainted once more. The Democrats saw it as an advantage yet wondered how well Anderson would do as an independent. Some leaned more toward him than Askew while some of the fresh blood were wanting to see if they could change the status quo. Of course, they remained unified and the comments on the Southern Strategy was fresh fodder for them to use, especially making comparisons to Nixon and Reagan and how things have been back in the 1970s and the time of the Dismal Dozen. Younger voters were turned off over at the GOP and the conservatives found themselves at a loss for the GOP, with some hoping to try and find another way to follow their political beliefs without the baggage, one that was growing increasingly more difficult.

    All the Americans knew was that the election would be more noteworthy than they first intended...

    @dcharleos and @Geekhis Khan, this especially goes out for you because of our convo we had back in August!

    And yup... old habits die hard... and when you can't quit bad habits soon enough, they start leaving permanant damage.
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    Spring 1988- War Pangs
  • While the cold civil war in the Republican Party grew more obvious and tense with the departure of John B. Anderson from the Republican Party and running as an independent, other wars continued to rage across the world. One of which was Eritrea's War of Independence against Ethiopia. Having started since the time of the monarchy, the war continued to rage on when the Derg overthrew the monarchy and installed a military junta. With the famine, reliance on foreign aid and so many issues, the Derg were losing popularity quite quickly. Even with the transition into the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the troubles remained with the autocratic government and the lockdown on personal freedoms along with the ethnic tensions. Unsurprisingly, it led to warfare, with the Eritrean People's Liberation Front continuing war against the Derg. Over in Spring 1988, the most decisive battle came over in the form in the Battle fo Afabet. Despite the numerical advantage and the assistance of the Soviets on the side of the Derg, it was an overwhelming victory over for the EPLF, having captured or killed thousands of numbers while having lost relatively few themselves. Considered one of the greatest victories for the freedom fighters as they captured the battle of Afabet, it showed the further weakness of the Derg and of the new government, especially with the Soviets becoming more reluctant to support the ordeal and the question over a new government or even a return of the monarchy. [1]

    Over hundreds of miles to the north, the Afghan-Pakistan War would continue raging on. The conflict continued to erode support and stability that the Zia-ul Haq regime still had over in Pakistan. Surrounded by enemies, the Zia-ul Haq's regime doubled down further on its "Islamization" program, prosecuting and targeting various minorities, especially with accusations of said minorities being spies or enemies of the state. Unsurprisingly, such tactics would provide further fodder for Aghanistan and India to use to justify their war more and even become more involved. One incident was the Battle of Gilgit. Over in the Gilgit district, the Shia civilians rose up against Zia-ul Haq's Sunni Islamist regime and in response, the regime sent soldiers to try and crush the revolt.
    It was preceded by earleir anti-Shia riots, which were caused by a dispute over the sighting of the moon for Eid al-Fitr after Ramadan between Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims. Local Sunnis, who were still fasting for Ramadan, had attacked the local Shias who had announced their commencement of Eid celebrations in Gilgit City, leading to violent clashes between the two sects. In response to the riots and revolts, the regime sent in a small portion of the Pakistan Army leading an armed group of local Sunni tribals from Chilas to put down the revolt. [2] While it started as a massacre, things quickly turned when Indian forces, having heard of the revolt, had come in to investigate for an opportunity. The Indian forces would clash against the regime's forces while assisting the Shia Muslims, resulting in the battle of Gilgit. It would escalate quickly as more forces were tried to be set in by both sides though with the Pakistani army stretched in and the gowing rebellions, it would result in victory over for the Shia Muslims and India. India and Afghanistan both used the opportunity to slam on Pakistan for the attempted massacre though Pakistan responded against India's increasing failures in handling the anti-Sikh riots along with the repression caused by them, which in turn led to accusations of Khalistan agitation, which became especially prominent as Indian Punjab was becoming a greater spot of tension.

    While the wars raged on, life went on as well along with some more positive developments. Over in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the first McDonalds would open and it increased the likelihood of communist-aligned nations letting in some businesses from capitalist nations in regarding franchising and whatnot. Yet at the same time, the Candle demonstration in Bratislava, Slovakia would be a massive a demonstration against the socialist government of Czechoslovakia. The World Expo 88 opens in Brisbane, Australia and focused on leisure over in the age of technology. It was quite a fascinating dichotomy; while it focused on some of the new technological toys such as on video games and other new tech of leisure, there was also a focus on leisure activites focusing on the outdoors and simplicity, a trend started from the frugality of the late 1970s and eary 1980s during the recovering economy and creating a pattern among the younger adults. And the World's first Pendolino train to enter regular high-speed service, in Italy, [3] which is gathering the attention of some other nations, including the United States.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Summer 1988- Burning Up
  • Summer 1988 - Burning Up


    Firefighting over in Norris, late summer 1988

    Tensions continued to heat up in different ways. Over in the Estonian SSR, the music of patriotism rang through the air, over in defiance. Following up order from the troubles stewed from the Phosphate War, the Estonian people began voicing themselves with. Massive demonstrations of thousands of people would break out in song, leading to what would be called the "Singing Revolution", extending beyonf Estonia and going to the rest of the Balkans. The term would be coined by an Estonian activist and artist, Heinz Valk, in an article published a week after 10–11 June 1988, spontaneous mass singing demonstrations going on over in the evening at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds and beyond. [1] This was serving further evidence of the political troubles that was facing the USSR and the need for some sort of political reform alongside the economic reforms that Gorbachev was putting through. In fact, it seemed that all across the Soviet sphere of influence, the people were tired of the autocratic means and the pressures over onto them. Many people were now wondering if the mighty Soviet Union would be able to maintain its unity or the Warsaw Pact for much longer. This was not the only incident though. In Malaysia, the constitutional crisis that had been building up since the last year would finally erupt; it would lead to the ousting of the Lord President of Malaysia, Salleh Abas. [2]

    However, for the United States, troubles were heating in up in a much different; that of a raging blaze around Yellowstone. Due to the unusual dry period around the time, various fires began raging on over near Yellowstone, caused mostly by lightning strikes though some by human error. Eventually, they would begin merging and create a massive inferno around the area. The fires almost destroyed two major visitor destinations and by the time it would be put out, around ~35% of the park was affected by the raging fires. Part of this was due to the drought, but also because of the need for sustained blazes and how they combined due to the dry weather. [3] Beyond bringing up the need and the moderation of controlled blazes for this area, the drought associated with the fires would bring back the topic of manmade climate change. This was especially the case given what had begun arounds the same time the blazes were really starting; the testification of NASA scientist James Hansen over to the U.S. Senate over the danger of manmade climate change starting to become evident.

    As he said: "A sign of climate change, that of overall warming of the globe has reached a level such that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse effect and observed warming...It is already happening now." [4] The testimony brought fresh concern over on climate change and what people can do. While some of the actions that have been done, such as the changes in ecofriendly infrastructure, city planning and other choices have made catching grown over time, it was clear more would be needed. The Udall Administration would note this testimony as the need to further invest in renewable energy and phase out fossil fuels. While nuclear energy was a big benefit, solar and wind were also getting caught up, especially with the acknowledgement that designs to account for renewability of materials and recycling needed to be considered. One promising and unexpected source for them was the usage of biotechnology, especially in uncovering utilizing the biological mechanisms of flora and other plantlife organisms in the technology. Another venue was in geothermal energy, especially in Canada as it had become a discussion point over the exploration of geothermal energy over in British Columbia and Alberta, especially with the renewed National Geothermal Program noting Canada havign favorable conditions for such.

    Anotheer cause for alarm regarding the environment occurred during the infamous "Syringe Tide" incident. Back in 1987 and going over to 1988, an environmental disaster would occur over an Connecticut, New Jersey and New York where significant amounts of medical waste, including hypodermic syringes, and raw garbage washed up onto beaches. Unsurprisingly, the ordeal caused quite a panic and a shock. This would lead to closures of the beaches while parties would over and search through along with discovering the cause behind this, eventually the cause being Staten Island's Fresh Kills Landfill. [5] Prior to that though, the incident caused a freshwave of outrage over littering and pollution and even afterwards, the energy, especially combined with the climate change news and the discussion over in , would propel potential legislation on dealing with litter, management of trash and even further on the possibilities of mandatory recylcing programs on the federal and state levels. Despite this, people kept on going, especially with what was coming in the elections.

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [4]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [5]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Autumn 1988- Torch Passing
  • Autumn 1988- Torch Passing


    1988 Summer Olympics icon (hosted in Seoul, South Korea)

    The American electoral season had arrived and voters were coming in, buzzing with a mixture of excitement and contemplation, especially with the new legislation in place. With the drawing of electoral districts removed from politicians and now in the hands of non-partisan redistricting commissons in the federal level and soon in the state level, it would ensure a fairer voting process and representation. This was compounded with the implementation of the "Wynoming Rule", resulting in the increase of seats in the House of Representatives to account for population growth for fairer representation, which many will expect to see greater changes by 1990. However, what made the news more buzzing was the three-way election with John B Anderson running as an independent. While he possessed a fair number of support and was respectfully invited to various debates, many wondered if an independent could actually win or anyone of a third party in general. The presidential election was not the only thing going on in the minds of the Americans over in the fall of 1988. Canada would also be undergoing a federal election themselves. Mulroney's minority government have not been able to fare too well, as his voter coalition would be unable to last, especially due to some concerns of the Meech Lake Accord. This along with the growing progressive wave in politics would lead to Mulroney's loss. The Liberal Party would manage to succeed; while they did not get a majority of the votes, the Liberal Party under John Turner would create a coalition with the NDP under Ed Broadbent.

    The Seoul Olympics were occurring, with the excitement and patriotic fervor associated with it, along with granting some positive attention that was needed over for the people over of South Korea and the next Olympics to be held over in none other than Barcelona. Spain. [1] Another moment of unity that caught the world's attention regarding international politics was British Prime Minister Geoffrey Howe's speech over at the College of Europe over in Bruges, Belgium. Following up over on European Commission president Jacques Delors's speech on the growing unity within the European Economic Community and how the economies were growing closer. [2] Howe decided to make a speech on the matter. Namely because of some of the growing disputes over in his own party on "Euroskepticism". Howe's "Bruges" speech was one of pro-European unity, wanting the British to integrate closer to the great European project, but also with the hints of doing so for the sake of prominence. The speech would expose some of the cracks within the Tories over on how to become closer to Europe while providing the opportunity for the Euroskpetic leftists to make a comeback, albeit having to recognize a rapidly changing status quo and the need to address the modern state of macroeconomics. Meanwhile, TAT-8, the 8th translatlantic telephone cable connecting Europe and America is completed, this one being special for being the first to use optic fibers while the first computer worm is born, further showing the pros and cons of the developing computer worm. Additionally, the creation of the first Fairtrade Label by the Dutch has brought discussions of the treatment of farmers and workers who create the many products people buy and consume and the discovery of the horrific conditions that some of them endure, with the Fairtrade Label done as a seal ensuring the product was made by workers who are granted a living wage and fair conditions. [3]

    Unsurprisingly however, the tensions from the past seasons continue onward. The Afghan-Pakistani War rages on and the rumored assassination attempt on Zia-ul-Haq has made the government on high alert, especially since it's unknown if it was from an enemy attempt or within the state itself. This has been made even worse with the resigning of Pakistan's General Rahimuddin Khan resigns from his post as the governor of Sindh due to disagreements and the state of powers, leading to an opportunity for the Afghani forces to try and turn the Sindhi onto their side. The 8888 Uprising over in Burma would occur, where thousands of protesters are killed during anti-government demonstrations. Meanwhile, thousands of people riot in Algiers, Algeria against the National Liberation Front government with the army going in to try and crush it and the Indian military takes a detour from the war to crush a coup attempt by Tamil mercenaries over in the Maldives. Most of all, the Singing Revoluton continued, reaching a crescendo when the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR adopted the Estonian Sovereignty Declaration in which the laws of the Estonian SSR are declared supreme over those of the Soviet Union. While the USSR declares it unconstitutional near the end of November, it served as the first declaration of sovereignty from Moscow of any Soviet or Eastern Bloc entity and would go to show the need for the Soviet Union to reform or risk losing more of itself. [1]

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
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    1988 US Elections
  • 1988 US Elections

    Election season in the United States. Unsurprisingly, it was quite an electrifying time. President Mo Udall's second and final term would be finished within a few short months. From him being swearing in over to now, much has changed in the United States, especially thanks to the dominance of the Democrat Party, led by their progressive elements. The introduction of the NBH, the financial assistance that was done in the early years, the expansion of education for the blue collar sectors, the SATMIN and third wave femnist movements... Mo Udall has defined the 1980s as his decade and as a period of recovery and prosperity for the United States along with helping to repair the Amercians' reputation across the world. As such, this election would be a good reflection on who would be the next leader of the Untied States and the direction of the nation.

    The Democrats' primary ended with the expected result of Reubin Askew becoming the Democrats' candidate. He did not run unopposed, as other hopefuls like Jesse Jackson and Al Gore would run, at least to try ansd get their name out to test the waters. Jesse Jackson was to try and see how a candidate of color would do, though he was haunted by his own individual past comments, including on Udall, due to his former connections to the Mormon Church (which Udall left when he entered college). Al Gore meanwhile was more of a moderate form of Democrat, and even part of a group that garnered the nickname "Atari Democrats", after the company. This was mainly for the goal of stimulating the economy through investment of high technological industries. While some were concerned and saw this as veering away from the traditional labor roots, others saw it as an opportunity to grow more. Unions have managed to regian their footing after the troublesome years in Reagan and the economic recession and have to realize they would need to keep changing and adapting to remain relevant and prominent. As such, the possibility then was also to prepare for the eventual unionizing of these new breed of technological workers and programmers, especially as educational courses would likely find their way in vocational schools as the technology advanced, stabilized and standardized. Of course, when Askew won, it was matter of who would be chosen over for his vice president choice. Appaently, rumors had it that would've been Al Gore while others suspected perhaps Walter Mondale. Askew had considered them both, but he noted that the candidate would be someone who would reflect the future and spur it on. Despite initial hesitation, the person agreed to become Reubin Askew's running mate.

    The first black woman elected to US Congress,the first black candidate to run for a major party's nomination for President of the United States, and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. None other than Shirley Anita Chisholm.

    Despite her retirement back in 1984 from the House, she remained an active party in politics, especially with third wave feminism entering into full swing. Before she retired though, she was given the Presidental Medal of Freedom by Udall. She noted that she was quite surprised with being offered it and accepted it, seeing as an opportunity to further advance the needs of Americans, especially women of color, something which she had begun working with some of the other old guard members of the progressives, who despite feeling their age, felt the excitement of the young still and an obligation to finish guiding them to take the reigns, with work left to be done.

    Meanwhile, the Republican primary was an unsurprising mess. Anderson's departure have left the Liberal Republicans without a candidate, but worse still, exposed a large divide between the leadership, the various voters and even with the times. As such, many of the candidates were pressured into dropping off though the behind-the-scenes drama like with Jack Kemp and so on would sneak into the papers. Before long, Bob Dole would remain as the last serious candidate in the running representing a damaged Republican Party, one that seem to be lost in what direction they could represent. Additionally, the public lambasting they got from Anderson along with some of the Democrats over their repeated attempts to use the "Southern Strategy" would hurt them even more. On the national level, the signs of the GOP's weakness were seen with the rise of state parties; in the same way the Conservative Party of New York was founded due to dissatisfication with the GOP, these new state parties were born to create a center-right alternative for people to vote for in the hopes of influencing the GOP. Ironically, the Conservative Party of New York itself would lose steam as they would be blamed partially for some of the GOP's poor decision. Despite this, Bob Dole trudged on in trying to unify the party by moderating some of his stances along with his running mate, George HW Bush. However, it did little except highlight the danger of the party without direction. Worse still, the louder more reactionary voices continued to lambast their complaints, unaware of the growing contempt and frustration they were getting from their own party and their voter base.

    Then there was the third choice in John B. Anderson himself. Despite his best efforts, he would unsurprisingly lag behind the other candidates, though for reasons more associated with the American political system. However, he was well-respected enough to keep being invited to the debates of the general elections and given chances to go and promote his own stances, a form of middle ground. Not as radical as what the progressives of Udall and Askew, yet more stable and open to change than Dole and most of the GOP. However, at the end, he also began championing the need for electoral reform. He along with his running mate Patrick Joseph Lucey would discuss the need to change the voting system and to make it fairer and more open. Anderson recieved a healthy support from Liberal Republicans along with some of the Democrats and other indepenents.

    Election Day would come and the results would be shown.

    The surprise came in with John B. Anderson winning a healthy percentage of the vote, even getting double digits, despite the disadvantages, along with a couple of states. Perhaps more the news came in how brutally bad the Republicans were defeated. Anderson clearly showed the sharp divide as it took support from them, even more than a bit from the Democrats along with the general feeling toard the GOP. Dole lacked the charisma Reagan possessed and he was not a moderate with a good reputation like Baker was, so he could not replicate them.

    As such, it would be pretty plain to see the winner.

    Election Day 1988 would see Reubin Askew and his running mate in Shirley Chisholm win the popular and electoral vote.

    Reubin Askew would become the 41st President of the United States.

    41st President Reubin Askew & 43rd Vice President Shirley Chisholm
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    1988 Overview
  • 1988 Overview

    1988 would be remembered as a year of great change and the starting point for a lot of bigger changes. With it being the final year of the Udall Administration, alot is being done to ensure a pretty smooth transition for the victory, which unsurprisingly turned out to be his Vice President, Reubin Askew. Despite the coming of the end, they still did not step and kept going with what they could with reforms. Expanding government funding into college education for law students is on the verge of approval, though with the caveat of the emphasis on public defenders. Additionally, the exploration into oil theft from Native American land by the Koch Industries has led to the resurrection to the debates about greater oversight and regulations on plastic, with some of the newer politicians noting the risks of plastic pollution and in response, the rise of lobbyists from the plastic industry coming in, which seemed to reinforce the concerns. Meanwhile, the Democrats widened their House holdings overall while the end of gerrymandering and the installation of the Wyoming Rule has shifted the electoral battleground, with various moderates hoping for better success as a result of this though others noted it would be more focused on the overall national trend and sentiment. Perhaps the last major thing was on the post-victory discussions. Anderson congratulated Askew on his victory while Askew acknowledged Anderson's concerns on the issues regarding the how voting and elections were handled. Indeed, some have seen Anderson speak with a few politicians and others on the matter, with two in particular having been recorded.

    Beyond this, the international circle was buzzing with news. The Soviet Union, the other superpower who held mighty influence over the world, was beginning to crack and falter. The members of the Warsaw Pact and even within the Soviet Union itself were struggling and resisting against them or rather against the leadership of Moscow. The cries for liberty were being held and while some of the media tried saying this was a death knell for socialism, others have pointed out that it was nationalistic in nature. From Estonia's Singing Revolution to what was going on in Poland, the cracks were showing and pressure was mounting on Gorbachev for political reforms, even as the hardliners were desiring clamp downs. Even the nations in their sphere, like the Derg-controlled Ethiopia, was breaking from war and the mighty China appeared to be approaching their own flashpoint regarding the reformers led by Zhou Ziyang against the hardliners who expelled his predecessor earlier. However, not all the troubles laid over in the so-called Second world. The Afghan-Pakistani War was raging on and fears of a worsening war were growing, especially with the beginnings of Pakistani refugees coming in, primarily into the US and Canada among other places. Despite the divisive stances across the world, unity remained. The Olympics brought people together along with the reinforced need to address manmade climate change. From further US-USSR talks on nuclear power on Gen III reactor breakthroughs to a race on solar, wind and others that address recycling and resourcing issues to even biotech, comeptition and cooperation worked hand in hand.

    Alot of films would be breaking out big here, even in the midst of the growing troubles in Hollywood because of the growing accusations of sexual harassment and worse. Rain Man would top the charts while Who Framed Roger Rabbit became a masterpiece to be remembered with everything put in, with Henson having been a notable force in helping the film, a combination of neo noir and a shoutout to classic animation. It also surprised people that the Streetcar conspriacy was actually true, something that would lead to a renewed interest in them in a more environmentlaly friendly era. It was also rumored a sequel or prequel was in the works, thanks to some convincing from Henson's part. Another big name was Die Hard, which revived some interest in more grounded action films, albeit with an everyman protgonist. Bruce Willis played cop John McClane, ending up in a situation to rescue hostages from Hans Gruber, a ruthless criminal/mercenary with totalitarian sympathies (some have believed the revelations regarding Austria's president influenced this). Animation meanwhile would be quite a surprise when Disney would released a dubbed version of the Japanese animated film My Neighbor Totoro, which came out earlier in Japan. Apparently, interest in this started over with checking on Disneyland Tokyo and some of the staff seeing Castle In the Sky, which came out in 1986. Intrigued, this would lead to a deal to dub and release the films in the United States. It would achieve massive success over in the United States and later the rest of the Western world, with Disney making more plans with Studio Ghibli. The environmentalist themes and simple living captured the American zeitgeist like no other and some even became intrigued by the animist and Shinto influences. However, another animated classic would premiere in Japan that would catch the attention of Disney and many other animation giants in the Western world in a different way... AKIRA. A brilliantly animated dark cyberpunk story, it was unlike anything ever seen in the West and the industry found themselves in shock and awe and what was made and the questions growing on why they can't make something like while some of the more opportunistic businessfolk wondered if something like AKIRA could succeed in the west... Meanwhile, rumors speculated in comic books of Marvel being put up for sale while video games continued to see massive growth and breakout hits.
    Presidental Reflection: The Udall Administration (1981 - 1989) [Pt. 1]
  • Presidental Reflection: The Udall Administration (1981 - 1989) [Pt. 1]

    President Mo Udall conversing with secretary of State Jimmy Carter

    President: Morris King Udall (1981 - 1989)
    Vice President: Reuben Askew (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of State: Jimmy Carter (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Defense: Benjamin O. Davis, Jr (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Housing & Urban Development: Moon Landrieu (1981 - 1989)
    Attorney General: Stephen Breyer (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of the Interior: Cecil Andrus (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Transportation: Neil Goldschmidt (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Energy: Dixy Lee Ray (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of the Treasury: W. Michael Blumenthal (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Agriculture: Norman Ernest Borlaug (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Labor: F. Ray Marshall (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Commerce: Juanita Kreps (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Health & Human Services: Patricia Roberts Harris (1981 - 1989)
    Secretary of Education: Joseph Daniel Duffey (1981 - 1989)
    UN Ambassador: Andrew Young (1981 - 1989)
    National Security Advisor: Edmund Muskie(1981 - 1989)​

    With the twelve-year White House rule by the Republicans ending with the loss of President Reagan, many voters decided it was time for a change. Despite his initial troubles back in 1976 and concerns over his Parkinson's, with the winds behind the Democrats, many of the progressive heavyweights through their support behind Udall and riding on a wave of charisma, hope and reform. Mo Udall would become president. He would inherit the US with a troublesome economy caused by the Oil Crisis of 1979 along with Reagan's blunder over in Panama and under a period of maliase and discontent. Yet, with his wry smile and plenty of support, Udall would go forward to go and change that.

    And he would. With economic actions that saw money go into the hands of the people to stimulate the economy, optimism would soar. Challenges would come his way, but he would handle him and he would begin achieving more and more his goals. He would finally reign in the Tobacco industry and that would lead to an even bigger accomplishment of foiling a conspiracy by oil companies and their affiliates to lie to the public about manmade climate change for the sake of profit. He would be able to give Americans quality and timely healthcare with the creation of the National Bureau of Healthcare. That in it of itself would be help to combat the HIV/AIDS combat. These various factors along with the Udall administration getting the 27th amendment, a reformed version of the Equal Rights Amendemnt, passed, would lead to the oncoming cultural phenomenon in the rise of third wave feminism and SATMIN+ civil rights support.

    Unsurprisingly, Askew would leave with an extensively high approval rating as president, being considered among the all-time greats alongside Washington and FDR. His accomplishments in major reforms domestically along with more amicable and humanitarian approach in foreign affairs would be the major things people reflected on:

    Having inherited a troublesome economy, damaged by outside forces along with being mishandled by shoddy economic policies, MKU had his work cut out for him entering office. As such, a radical idea was slowly being introduced in guaranteed income, in waging war on poverty like Lyndon B Johnson hoped. Here, it was tried through an economic stimulus relief package that gave the American people money in their hands to spend on what was needed. With it, people began spending on food, bills and even a few luxuries though the tough times have began establishing some new frugal spending patterns, especially with other changes coming in. However, while getting people to go and spend money, the bigger issue laid in for the government collecting revenue and undoing most of the economic policies set in by Reagan. And this especially included in dealing with the major corporations.

    Stock buybacks became much more regulated and restricted, with the likelihood of just cancellation of stock buybacks a looming possibility for many of these companies. Corporate taxes were reformed a bit while the cuts the Reagan administration did to the top marginal tax rates would be undone, raising them off so the top 1% would pay their fair share. Additionally, dividends & capital gains taxes would see a sharp increase for them along with other plans to try and ensure the massively wealthy could not dodge out of paying taxes. This along with the introduction of return-free filing of taxes helped ease people into this, especially as various scandals and revelations would lead to more suspicion and hostility toward most of the rich. Another target aimed for many of these massively uberrich would bethe removal of the income cap on Social Security, especially with the funds also going into the National Bureau of Healthcare. Despite the concerns, these changes were put in as best as possible and with the money being invested into infrastructure and projects to stimulate the economy, it would be managing to pay off. Soon, it was an economic boom, with the young adults and teenagers spending more, albeit on either experiences or some of the newer luxuries, such as home computers or even video game consoles. Then there came of the changing of how land would be taxed, that of the rise of land value tax on a federal level to go and eventually superceding and repalcing housing taxes, with the hopes of forcing productive and beneficial infrastructure development while also helping to make homes more affordable, especially with the babyboomers coming fully into age as well as the oldest of the brightbangers.

    MKU, prior to the start of the presidency, had a mixed, but overall positive track record over on environmentalism. He certainly did not see himself becoming a 'green champion' of a president when he ran and was sworn in. However, United States vs. Enron would change all of that. It confimed not only that manmade climate change was a real and legitmate threat, but that one of the main perpetrators, that being fossil fuel companies, were planning on suppessing their own research and a conspiracy of fruad to the American public, due to fear of being held responsible and affecting their profit margins. Coming off the success of dealing with Big Tobacco along with the legitimate shock, it was unsurprising that he would grow to become a much more ecoprotective president. With the support of people, alot of the groundwork would be laid in the future; the transition from coal over to renewable energy, primarily nuclear, which would see the expansion and acceleration of nuclear power plants. Despite the concerns of potential trouble, money and effort were spent for optimal safety along with developments for effiency. Additionally, the sense of urgency meant that other options like solar and wind, which were not viable at the time and would not be for a couple of decades, had to be sidelined, especially when further questions on the logistics, recyability and so on of solar panels, wind turbines and so on had to be answered.

    Another would be the massive expansive expansion of Amtrak. With the money being made by Conrail, the Udall government began purchasing more and more of the major rails to expand on this. This coincided with environmentalist policies based on two factors; public transporation like buses and trains would cut down the number of cars on the road and thus the pollution generated. This became moreso with how the French were experimented with high speed rail and their new system that the US began considerating emulating. This would be put to the test when the Udall administration finished their purchase of the rail network and would begin the process of electrification, justifying it through this along with jobs, especially with nuclear power going into the electric generation. While such a herculean effort would take plenty of time, especially one that would be finished long after his term, it would be seen as a worthwhile investment, especially as beyond address cars, it could also address planes to a degree. Of course, one massive aid to this would also be the Udall administration ending the fuel subsidies on the fossil fuel companies and later the first carbon taxes on them. Gasoline companies naturally attempted to counter this by raising gas prices, hoping to impact Udall's popularity, but this just backfired on them as it just cemented the hostile view the American public had on them. The workers there also were growing smarter and began unionzing, suspecting the top brass would try and take the loss from them. With this, cars are forced to focus on effiency and later safety while the long-term rammifications of this would lead to a shift in thinking of urban and suburban planning. Expansion of green places in cities, green roofing, more trees, ecoefficient homes, tram suburbs and so on would become the dominant way, especially since they were built on prior patterns establishes in ecohomes and a reliance on community due to the tough times of the Reagan administration.
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    Presidental Reflection: The Udall Administration (1981 - 1989) [Pt. 2]
  • Presidental Reflection: The Udall Administration (1981 - 1989) [Pt. 2]


    Photo Source

    Health & Infrastructure
    Healthcare was a massive priority for the Udall administration. Unsurprising how it was rooted in a personal stance over for President Udall and with the backing of powerful figures such as Ted Kennedy and other Congressfolk that were in, the Udall Administration would go bold with one of the biggest reforms. The creation of the National Bureau of Healthcare or NBH would be the result. Americans of all sorts would receive their NBH card and be able to get the medical attention that is needed with little to no cost to them. Beyond just general healthcare as defined, this included pharmeceuticals (which itself led to reforms there to get generic drugs to help people and put pressure on the companies), glasses and dentistry. All of this has led to a general increase of the quality of life for Americans, especially for the less fortunate. Additionally, it began providing insight into larger issues and more systemic problems. Beyond the HIV/AIDS problem of the time and people becoming much more aware and careful for that, it showed the difficulties of the physically and or mentally handicapped and what they need to go through to function as happy productive members of society, which itself began leading to a bigger need of community consideration. Additionally, the question of abortion found itself in a strange tussle since birth control (along with feminine hygiene products to a degree) were covered here. Easy access to afforadable and safe birth control would to overall drop in abortions thanks to the promotion of safe sex. While there were certain groups that tried to combat this, said opposition was usually too weakened or divided to do much, especially as the results and data spoke for themselves.

    Beyond the health and safety of the American people, the health of the Americna nation itself was considered. As part of the economic restoration attempt, pages were taken from FDR's book and money poured into infrastructure projects. The expansion of the public rail service in Amtrak and the like was one such way, especially with the ongoing electrification process on said rails. While rails were always a bit odd with Americans, it and other public transportation options were becoming much more favorable over time. The end of fossil fuel subsidies, gasoline companies raising prices, the need for more environmentally stable housing and urban development and so on were major factors in this shift of thinking and usage. Other signs of this were the return of tram suburbs and the relaxing of rules of single family units, resulting in a gradual number of duoplexes and the like within neighborhoods, not to mention more money being poured into downtown areas and city areas damaged by hostile policies, including the daunting task of trying to reverse redlining. While many of these were just started in his administration, the hope was the trend could continue through the years beyond his. Other infrastructure was the growing development and construction of nuclear power plants, viewed as a stop gap between fossil fuels and true renewables, with the hopes of closing all coal plants within the next couple decades. Other developments included into other practices, including the expansion of the relatively carbon neutral biogas/biomethane, expansion of recycling programs and other methods of dealing with wastes and even large regulation aimed at plastic, which appear to be carried into the next term, namely with the research showing most plastics may be too difficult to recycle along wth the skepticism of the companies' willingness to do.

    The Udall administration worked across various fields and implementing various reforms and processes. Beyond the obvious major accomplishments of pushing the 27th amendment, the Second Civil Rights Act, and various other legislation to expand the rights, protections and freedoms of all Americans, other more gradual shifts were taken. One of which was the deescalation of the "War on Drugs" that began over the time of Nixon and briefly increased during Reagan's time. Much of this came from the MKU administration's concern over the actual effectiveness of this and that it would be perpetuating a cycle of crime. As such, while law enforcement did receive plenty of support, it came in different matters and enforcing different approaches. One major notion was that possession and usage of illict drugs would not be penalized to such an extent, with the concerns that criminalizing them would instead create more hardened criminals. As such, non-violent offenders would not be incarcerated while other means and treatments were being discussed. One was working with the NBH on the reason for substance abuse in the first place to deal with long term problems.

    Another aspect was in the rise of computers. As they were growing more advanced, computers, software and related technologies looked to be the big thing in the future and unsurprisingly, the Udall administration did have some influence here. However, a direct example would be a bit of an unusual one. After the formation of the Free Software Foundation, they along with their work on GNU would end up getting the Udall Administration's attention, namely because they saw it as a potential bargaining chip. Namely, as part of their ongoing deals and developments, such as the ratificiation of SALT II on both sides, the United States did offer some assistance to the Soviets in computation in exchange for various assistance down the line. However, rather than grant proprietary software, they invited the Free Software Foundation to allow the Soviet computer scientists to share with the GNU project. They did this on the principle of the free and open-source software the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation represented, with many Soviet computer students building on GNU down the line and the foundation for future computer work. This menawhile spread the Free Software Foundation to a global reach quickly along with the GNU Project quickly gathering attention, not just in the USSR, but also in China later on and other natons, all following the creed. This would further promote the comptuer sciences while showing the Udall administration's cooperative nature and also the need for innovation.
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    Presidental Reflection: The Udall Administration (1981 - 1989) [Pt. 3]
  • Presidental Reflection: The Udall Administration (1981 - 1989) [Pt. 3]


    Photo Source

    Foreign Affairs
    The Udall Administratio focused primarily on domestic affairs though still maintained a large presence in the world, albeit one of cementing positive relationships while also being more careful on who and how to interact with.

    North America
    The Udall Administration's new stance on foreign policy benefitted many movements over for America's neighbors down south. Mainly, the Udall Administration pulled back on many of the intrusive actions and decisions of subterfuge regarding the governments. Losing America's backing spelled the end for alot of the autocratic governments over in Central America while the revolutionary movements got a surge of energy from the US pulling back from it. Within the next few years, many if not all of the autocrtic governments held together and backed up by American interests would be beaten back or fall apart in the fact of the peoples' movements. This along with the Udall government's influential stance on how the IMF should deal with the Latin American debt crisis gave MKU alot positive reception over in Mexico and Central America. Even Castro noted to liking him during the few times they talked over during growing peace efforts with the US and Cuba. The growing positive relatins between the US and USSR helped over in Cuba as well. Canada meanwhile found themselves a bit surprised at the large reforms the Americans were pushing over. This was causing a growing number of Canadians to try and begin pushing for some of the same sort of reforms over in Canada. Overall, North America enjoyed increasing positive relations with the United States under the Udall administration, with plans being discussed on further developments in the future.

    South America
    South America benefitted even more from the Udall Administration's new foreign policy, especially on ending Operation Condor. With the ending of that, the juntas and other autocratic governments found themselves without the support they need, a sign of a rejection of the old ways. The revolutionary forces would then be able to go and take back their nations from the various autocracies and the like. Additionally much like with Central America, assistance with the IMF with the debt crisis helped futher cement positive relationships, especially after some complicated bitterness due to previous administrations' willingness to support corrupt regimes in the name of "fighting communism" over in South America. Argentina, Chile, and many of the other nations would have growing positive relations with the Americans with the overthrow of the various juntas with the governments more representative of the people. Beyond such, arrangements were being made for various trade deals regarding information, especially with the need to expand renewables across the board along with other concerns, such as the new Brazilian government's dealing with the deforestation issue and figure out how to deal with such. Overall, the perception of the United States among the common folk of South America began getting better after the end of Operation Condor thanks to the Udall administration.

    MKU would be remembered quite fondly among the Europeans, with the older generation comparing him to the likes of FDR in terms of what he did for his country and many have noted in many ways, he embodies some of the best of the American Dream. He got along well over with western Europe and in helping further talks of global reforms as well as plans for climate change. From the close connections over with the British to helping Spain after the end of Francoism, they were an overall positive relationship between the Americans and for most of Europe. Additionally, the Udall administration would also arrange on exchange of information to support the other. The biggest point regarding diplomacy however was with the Soviet Union that it was more fascinating. Initially, relations were a bit rough, albeit mainly due to the leaders of the USSR not lasting very long. Eventually though, when Mikhail Gorbachev came into power, relationships between the two superpowers improved splendidly, with it being viewed as a follow-up on detente. The two superpowers under Udall and Gorbachev began coming together to address global problems such as the need to move away from fossil fuels along with a system of assisting the other, such as the Udall Administration assisting the USSR in the computer sciences. Overall, both superpowers have become more cordial over time and tensions is at an all-time low so far. Other Warsaw Pact nations do have a positive opinion on him though not much else is known or seen regarding them.

    Middle East
    The Middle East would be quite different when MKU entered it, with an Iran that had gone through revolution. However, throughout it all, MKU made steps to go and repair certain relationships along with ensuring the US would not enter any unnecessary conflict. However, the US would still send some aid over to Iran to try and establish some positive relationships with the new adminsitration, with the new Iranian government warming up to the Udall administration, especially after Iran's victory over Iraq, with the result being a new government in Iraq and an independent Kurdistan now. Contrary, the Americans' relationship with Pakistan became cold yet cordial early on. At least until the revelations of the nuclear project sunk that relationship, especially with concerns on Pakistan's belligerent behavior toward their neighbors and the US not wanting to get dragged into further conflict. This has not stopped the Americans from taking in some Pakistani refugees during the war. The US has maintained cordial relations with Afghanistan though along with the others. The large moves Israel and Jordan have made toward resolving the Palestinian issue have been applauded and released some tension though issues remaining on Gaze and Jerusalem remain, with many suspect the Askew administration will be overseeing that.

    Japan and the United States have been experiencing a greater relationship, thanks to Japan's economic boom and the popularity of Japanese pop culture beginning to spread across over to the west, especially the United States. This along with the popualrity of Japanese products such as automobiles over in the United States have contributed alot to this growth between the two nations and the hope remains for dual prosperity for both nations. Meanwhile, the US is trying to help ut South Korea while celeberating the accomplishment of the Philippines with their government. Meanwhile, due to the issues caused by the Reagan adminstration along with prioritizing the domestic issues and economic recovery, the United States and the People's Republic of China have been lagging behind on their communications, which they have been working on right now. However, while the US has been giving some cooperation with the PROC, a bit of skepticism remains, namely due to how the previous reformer was ousted and the hope was that Zhao Ziyang would be able to finish the reforms, with a diplomat even expressing concerns that the various elements may try to oust him out through some form or fashion like what happened with Hu Yaobang before him.
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    Retrospection: The Udall Administration

  • The 1980s would become a prominent turning point for the United States of America. The babyboomer generation, born after WW2 to the election of Kennedy would reach full adulthood, becoming the predominan voting base, especially as they were starting families and laying the groundwork for the next generation. At the same time, the brightbanger generation, born from the early-mid 1960s to the mid-late 1970s, would spend most of their childhood and adolescence in the so-called "Dismal Decade", referring to the economic troubles of the 1970s though some would call it the "Dismal Dozen", referring to the 1968-1980 period of Republican presidencies that would be associated with some economic troubles and turbulence. This period of association would shape the politics of the brightbanger, with many of them growing to support the Udall Administration, especially with the oncoming of progressive reforms and social marches, such as on SATMIN+ Civil rights and third-wave feminism. Their determined rowdiness for change was referred to being bright, fiery and loud, gaining the name of "brightbangers" for them. Meanwhile, the next American generation, born in the late 1970s and all of the 1980s would be growing up in a new period of prosperity and recovery, yet still shaped by the reformatory politics going on for them, especially as it was becoming the norm.

    The economic recovery restored faith in the US presidency in getting stuff done. The creation of the NBH along with programs for free tuition of those in the medical profession and heavily subsidized vocational school (with further funding) along with many more actions would increase faith in the government even further, especially with people feeling better and confident in the health and stability of their futures and that of their children's. It would also serve as a powerful backlash to the reactionary deregulatory policies pushed by former President Reagan along with his neoconservative supporters. Their growing rise in the Republican Party would be shattered by this. While the neocons have been delivered a crippling blow, the liberal Republicans, who have been skeptical of the whole thing, pounce to this back. However, the factionalism became increasingly evident in the GOP, from the hardline Reaganites, to the pragmatic Nixonites to the more idealistic followers of Anderson and his compatriots. All of them fighting for the direction of the party, all while the world kept changing and the American people embracing the positives of the reforms along with gradually accepting more and more of their minority neighbors as they were encouraged by all the reforms and soon, the interviews and even the beginning of outreach programs.

    At the same time, the Udall Administration also marked a greater urgency for the government to get involved in the needs of the people were at stake. While Udall striking at Big Tobacco was a memorable moment, it was just the prologue to the greater accomplishment of fighting Exxon and the fossil fuel industry for conspiring to hide the truth of fossil fuel usage and its contribution to manmade climate change, a phenomenon that showed the power of man had with nature... and the responsability that needed to come with it. This promoted a fresh wave of skepticism at larger corporations overall, especially when it came to making short-sighted financial decisions and new regulations placed to avoid gaming the system. For the fresh well-educated workforce, it was a sign that things needed to change, especially given the tough times prior. A trend was established favoring long-term profits over short-term gain along with the importance of reputation, something that was becoming more important as the male chauvinistic behavior defined in corporate culture was being eroded under the third wave, especially as many big-name individuals would be accused and found guilty of sexual harassment and worse. Many would have to change or shed their behavior, even with some of the remnants remaining over with change being slow and steady, though some places were more on the ball than the others with the need to respect.

    Technology would see a large resurgence in computers becoming more and more available for the common man, especially with a race to develop for larger general purpose use along with looking for the next big thing. Microsoft releasing Windows looked promising and while Apple would start languising, Steve Jobs would follow up on creating NeXT and the rise of the Free Software Foundation created by the folks of the GNU Project would lead to a free and open starting point for many to start using and hopefully to grow from there, along with the seeds planted for the values represented there. Another aspect of technology that has grown would be in entertainment. Music saw more synthesizers while the video game console made its triumphant return courtesy of Nintendo's NES, causing many companies to try and keep up or form their own niche in some form or fashion. Another Japanese success was in its automobiles as their afforadability and gas milage made them very popular to Americans, where as their own car brands were suffering from their own problems from resting on their laurels. Environmentalism became another major factor of the time. With the noted Exxon case above, the earthhome trend that began in the mid 1970s and continued on suddenly boomed and spread into a general ecohome trend, affecting urban and suburb planning. More ecoefficient rooms with better insulation, solar chimineys and so on along with infreasture plans like tram suburbs, greening roofs and so on would begin happening in this time period with no plans of stopping, all from a combinaton of preestablished trends, a need for ecological improvement and a renewed economy giving people te confident to go forward, especially with a supportive government.

    Even with the civil rights issues going, the battle with the reactionary elements and other issues such as a complicated crime wave, life goes on and people enjoy themselves. Hobbies become more diversified as tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons expand their outreach through the use of official properties serving as settings to get people interested. Films see the rise of action heroes in fantastic or wild settings alongside horror franchises, comedies and increasingly competant animation. Television sees sitcoms grow and provide pleasures of simple domesticity yet keeping up still by the rising minority groups for better representation. Not always in the best way as the phenomenon known as "queersploitation " would begin occurring in the last years of the Udall Administration, a result of the media industry feeling free to indulge in providing queer content to the SATMIN+ population for what they see as easy money and resulting in exposing generational gaps and confronting with the future. Comic books meanwhile were seeing the beginnings of a shift, mainly through DC's reboot of their storylines to fit in with the modern times and the speculation that Marvel would follow soon in a couple years, with many fans wondering the future of it, all while their Japanese counterpart in manga starts to slowl find their way to the west. After the Udall administration restored and added some new rules fo children's content, the grandfathered in shows had to focus to meaningful storytelling to avoid being shutdown for being potentially labeled as extensive advetrisements, kickstarting plenty of along the way, with Disney then throwing down the gauntlet with their syndicated animated shows and the rumors of other developments similarly going on.

    Internationally, the US took a step back to focus on their domestic affairs, becoming more selective on their battles and who they call their allies. Such was the case in Latin America, long the playground of the US and their interests, having a chance to reassert themselves, especially with the Americans no longer supporting the juntas and similar groups. This provided a renewal of hope for more equal and balanced relationships between the US and Latin America, especially as the cultural osmosis would begin causing similar social movements to start popping up in Latin America. Relations with the Soviet Union became positive with the rise of Gorbachev and the cooperation mandated by larger and complicated situations, with the Udall administration reminding older folk and showing the younger why America gained such a good reputation 4 decades prior. They also forced other nations to try and solve their own problems without relying on them as blind reinforcement, such as speculation on what led to greater support for Israel's West Bank deal with Jordan and the consequences of political shifts and overreliance on realpolitik with the fallout of relations with Pakistan, a reason for the Afghan-Pakistani War. Despite this, good is still being done, such as the pressure on South Africa finally forcing them to start preparing for the end of apartheid. Despite it all, the US has been in brighter spirits and it looked like it would remain further so under President Reubin Askew, who has much to look forward to and to prepare for, especially with around a decade for the new millenium.
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    Winter 1989- America Askewed Toward Prosperity
  • Winter 1989- America Askewed Toward Prosperity

    Tennō Heika hōgyo (HIS MAJESTY THE EMPEROR HAS DIED)- NHK message on 7 January 1989.

    Over on a brisk January morning, Reubin Askew was sworn in as the President of the United States, with Mo Udall stepping off to enjoy a good well-earned retirement. It was the final year of the 1980s and it would be abuzz with a new sort of excitement of what awaited in the new decade, especially it being the final decade over of not just the century, but also the current millenium. And Reubin Askew would be entering with finishing up some of the work of the previous administration! One was involving legislation on plastic regulation, tied in over with the investigation on Koch Industries. Despite attempts at exploitation of exact legal wording along with swaying of the public, this would only backfire, especially the memo sent by Bill Hanna, the president of the time, back in 1988, which claimed "written materials which would be useful to our competitors should be destroyed by shredding, burning, or some equally effective method", which, because of the time, was considered proof of destorying evidence. This would be the final nail in the coffin, as Koch Industries would be found guilty of obstruction of justice along with other crimes, not including the eventual proof of the oil theft from Native American reservations. The CEO of the company, Charles Koch, would be found guilty along with his brother and vice president David Koch, president Bill Hanna and plenty of others. Perhaps as part of a needs to show he means business, Askew pushed for not just restrictive fines, but also jail time, something that would managed to be delivered, much to the shock of many people. [1]

    The issue was also compounded by how it being a private business meant the brothers weren't just the leaders of the company, but also the majority stockholders. The stock would be passed down over to their children, with the condition of it remaining in the family. However, the children, predominantly Chase Koch, would be influenced by their uncles (David and Frederick) to grant stock to them in exchange for financial compensation, as part of plans for making the company public, but would likely switch to Koch Industries being liquidated and sold off, namely because of the American Plastic Regulation Act. Askew's first major regulation, it was focused on the last year or so in Congress of Udall's time, but finished here. It was done over to address the need of regulation of plastic companies, with their intense lobbying attempts just making them double down. The act would have "single-use plastics" be effectively banned or heavily restricted along with more general regulations on recycling. "Single-use plastics" being defined as plastic products effectively made for a single use, with restrictions given on their fate. Items such as plastic checkout bags, plastic stir sticks, beverage six-pack rings, plastic cutlery, and certain food packaging would no longer be utilized, with the period of time being five or so years to complete the switch, though with room remaining for extensions. Others had more restrictions placed on them such as plastic containers, including single use bottles, or plastic staws, which were originally considered for banning, until health advocates pointed out their importance on the disabled. The rammifications would be quite impactful,e specially since it's suspected that the act would likely be reinforced years down the line along with other knock on effects.

    Meanwhile, as President Askew and Vice President Chisholm were assembling the cabinet, more than a few Udall members invited back and rejoining, such as Secretary of State Jimmy Carter and Secretary of Energy Dixy Lee Ray along with some newcomers, such as Walter Mondale as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development. In the rest of the world, other major developments showed the changing of the times. Japanese Emperor Shōwa dies and his son Akihito is enthroned as the 125th Emperor of Japan immediately. Thus ends the Shōwa era and the beginning of the Heisei era over for Japan while Prime Minister Ranasinghe Premadasa takes office as the third President of Sri Lanka and Ante Marković succeeds Branko Mikulić as Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, a nation growing increasingly tension-filled and fragile, with some nations beginning to consider plans for Yugoslavia potentially breaking up, even violently, a topic that would likely come in the next US-USSR talks, especially with Askew's first presidential meeting with Gorbachev. This was not the only issue that was in need for the Soviet Union to discuss. Poland would see upcoming changes with Solidarity being legalized by the Polish United Workers' Party and weeks later, the government of the People's Republic of Poland holds formal talks with representatives of Solidarity movement for the first time since 1981. This combined with how Estonia's flag would once more would see that the greater Soviet sphere would be starting to break free from the cultual suffocation of the decades prior, the concerns being that Gorbachev may be unable to stop the oncoming potential wave of rebellions against the Soviet chokehold. [2]

    Political changes are not the only changes coming from the start of the new year. The Space Race may be slowed down, but not entirely with regards to satellites and the stars. Satellite television service Sky Television plc is launched in Europe early on with the first of the 24 GPS satellites being launched weeks later, showing that the world is growing ever more connected and drawn together regarding telecommunications and especially computations. [2] This alongside with the contiuation of nucleat technology development, especially with the likely completion of the first Gen III nuclear reactor over in Japan along with potential upgrades and developments. Overall, it was a time of great change up ahead... with many wondering what would be the horizon and in store for everyone...


    [1]- Information and phrasing came from here:






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    1989: Afghan-Pakistani War Pt. 2
  • 1989: Afghan-Pakistani War Pt. 2

    The Afghan forces have now occupied most if not all of the Northwest province of Pakistan and have begun making their way over into Balochistan, primarily to further cut off Pakistan and reinforce the Balochi nationalists that have been gradually rising up. All while India edges further and further into Kashmir and heading further into the Punjab and the heart of Pakistan. The restrictions on trade weakened Pakistan and the government's gradual growth of paranoia and cultural enforcement escalated much further into the war, to where all but the most zealous found it claustrophobic and suffocating. Zia-ul-Haq has grown increasingly desperate and unhinged, enabled by similarly paranoic advisers, especially after the assassination attempt on his life. However, there was one trump card left... and when he heard news of it, he commanded one final mission over to try and use it to bring a war to a close, if enough to wound his enemies. But it could not be done conventionally... it would have to be shot down, plus it would be difficult to try and use a plane with the measures done... no, would have to be by truck.

    A quiet night, the massive truck carrying its cargo in, delivered by very devoted members to a cause. A final mission in the name of their president and their faith. But this was not the work of Allah, but a far darker one.

    They were careless.

    Afghan forces surrounded them, having almost reached the border. The tribal areas with their radical believers were of great help... and they would die for the cause. The drivers and the operators looked to one another, nodding as they would go to work. There was more than enough Afghan forces here to justify what they would do here. Furthermore, they were far from any sources of water. Some of their own would die... but they would go to Allah.

    A Pashtuni soldier pointed his gun over to the head of the driver, who finishes a prayer. The operator finishes it...

    Outside of Wana, a thundering sound was heard, echoing across the land and a blight was filled across the land...

    An omnious mushroom cloud appeared, looming over like a horrific tower of judgment...

    A nuclear bomb has been detonated, one equaling the force of the one of Nagasaki*...


    The semi-accurately named Wana Strike would send the western world up wide awake. Despite the setbacks in doing so along with the restrictions, Pakistan had managed to create a nuclear bomb. However, the toil from war along with the bombing runs from India and Afghanistan had crippled their airforce, resulting in an impromptu bombing attempt by truck, the hope being to transport it through unoccupied parts of Balochistan and sneaking into Afghanistan to detonante it. However, if they were caught, the men were given explicit orders to activate the device in an act of martyrdom.

    American President Askew would be called by General Secretary Gorbachev for an emergancy meeting as it was the Soviet sphere that detected the news of a nuclear weapon being detonated over in the area, with both administrations immediately scrambling and assembling for more information and preparing for dreadful possibilities. Underground radio networks and the news launched over and with the sight of that looming cloud, the news spread rapidly.

    In desperation against the enemy, Zia-ul-Haq bombed the Afghan army along with some of his own people in the tribal areas with a nuclear bomb no less.

    Pakistan would break.

    The news spread like a wildfire in drought. The provincial governments of Balochistan and Sindh would assemble and vote to secede from Pakistan, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire along with the so-called Northern areas occupied by India. Most of all, the Northwest province, which was what Afghanistan was fighting for, would be the most horrified by the attack and after enduring weeks of icnreased scrutiny, suspicion and even accusations of treason amongst their own, they put their foot down, seceding from Pakistan and joining Afghanistan.

    Afghanistan, mourned their fallen before filled with a might outrage. Most concerns over the war vanished in the tide of patriotism and the desire for retribution along with the confirmation of their worst fears. India meanwhile was now in panic though despite the increased calls for it, they refused to retaliate with a nuclear weapon of their own, fearing further escalation, especially with the Americans and the Soviets now having their full attention onto the warground.

    Days later, Zia-ul-Haq would be attacked, killed by his own men before the gowing divisions in the administration widened, turning on one another in a blood bath on who would assert power after him, with supporters and detractors killed. It did not last long though, as a general managed to bring enough order in to assemble a government of sorts as the new president... and outside as the fires began to grow... the dream was dead.

    How much blood would it take to reclaim Sindh and Balochistan, much less then northern provinces. How many more kin would need to die before the bloodlust would fade? No more... the dream was dead. Even if they could try and fight back, the renewed rage of the nations would overwhelm and crush them, along with the mighty powers of the Americans and Soviets who would no doubt becoming in... no... this general was not blinded by the bloodlust or zealotry... he would not send his coutnrymen to further die... fo however long they could be.

    The people are speaking. They are not martyrs... and they will not die for this. If further war continued, the mobs would come to the capital building and break it all... no, the dream was dead.

    Late Febuary, 1989... Pakistan gave their unconditional surrender over to Afghanistan and India.

    The war was over.


    *= The bomb used was loosely based on the Shakti-II plutonium implosion explosive used IOTL with India. Basically, something like that with about 20 kilotons or so would be the closest I think Pakistan would be able to make.
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    1989: Afghan-Pakistani Postwar– Fallout
  • 1989: Afghan-Pakistani Postwar– Fallout

    War Prizes
    When the smoke cleared and reinforcements came in to accept the surrender of the Pakistani troops (or to capture those who haven't successfully escaped into certain nations), the questions now remained on what to do. The shock of Pakistan managing to create a nuclear weapon, albeit a very old school one, who would lead to accusations over who dropped the ball on this, especially given the sanctions and the like on Pakistan with that. However, some evidence pointed to the Reagan administration provided some assistance albeit less than even modest estimates. Despite that, once the capital was secure and order was mostly reastored, it now began to figure out what happens now after the war. The victors of the war, Afghanistan and India, had their terms and conditions, with Afghanistan wanting the Northwest Province of fellow Pashtunis along with the end of the quasi-theocratic regime. Besides that however, they were relatively content since they were easily able to secure what they wanted. In fact, with Baluchistan having seceded from Pakistan, this presented Afghanistan the opportunity to try and get a coveted border. Of course, the question now remained on the actual details of the arrangement. While the nationalist sentiment did flare up, the truth was that many of the people were uncertain of pure sovereign statehood. Most just wanted more autonomy for their way of life and culture while still maintaining stability and the basic necessities.

    Ultimately, while the former Northwest Province of Pakistan would be annexed over by Afghanistan and recognized as theirs, the former Pakistani province of Baluchistan would be holding elections on whether they wish to be annexed by Afghanistan as an autonomous region or to be a sovereign state in an economic and customs union over with Afghanistan being the most prominent choices, the elections to be held over sometime in the year. Beyond this though, Afghanistan was relatively satisfied. They would get virtually everything they wanted and decided it would be best to consolidate their accomplishments. After all, the nation had not increased their population and would likely do it moreso depending on how the Baluchistan elections would go. Meanwhile, they would now have to try and deal with placating Iran regarding the concerns over the Balochi peoples though with the additional notes that Iran's Balochi region was underdeveloped and in poverty, which was a factor in some of the issues there. Iran meanwhile was concerned that this could lead to potential uprisings over, but as part of their plans to further increase relations with the Americans, they would go and prioritize peaceful relations, with both nations genuinely hoping for relative peaceful outcomes and solutions here.

    India meanwhile was more complicated. They came in to help their ally, but they also coveted to further extend their control over in the Kashimir region by annexing the Gilgit-Baltistan province. However, unlike the NW Province who would simplify matters by them having seceded and requesting to join Afghanistan in the last days of the war, no such simplicity came over here. This would be compounded by further issues of India, namely that the areas of Kashmir India already controlled, that of Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir were seeing increasing seperatist movements. Said feelings of seperatism were believed to be caused by the accusations of the 1987 Assembly elections being rigged, religious tensions from the Muslims feeling marginalized by the Hindu and of course, general economic concerns, with the overall feeling of the people living there that only India cared about irredentism rather than any real care. These sentiments were having large affects on the decision-making of the people in charge of Gilgit-Baltistan, but at the same time, there was not much loyalty left toward Pakistan either, especially from the earlier issue of the Shia. Additionally, the earlier years of rule eroded any care or sympathy toward the "Islamist" ideals. The discussions over the situation would continue on for a few more months though many expected that nothing too major would arise for it, barring unforeseen circumstances.

    Sindh meanwhile would be in a similar situation. While on more positive relations with India, there were other reasons for them not exactly wanting to join up and indeed, one of the bigger issues that would need to be handled with India. For now however, it exists as a sovereign state though still part of the conversations over regarding the entire subcontinent.

    The Economy
    All three nations had their economies in varying levels of trouble. Afghanistan would be the least economically damaged though still poured in plenty of funds and likely in need of assistance. However, they did have prior established relations with the US and USSR to try and utilize. While the government was still trying to sort the details regarding outside investment coming in with private enterprises, they were still unified in being able to try and acquire aid to start helping with the economy, especially with the new population they now had along with rebuilding the wartorn areas. Rumors also speculated that Afghanistan was also communicating with China on potential further economic arrangements and deals. Unsuprisingly, at least a few nations' business showed some interest though it was unknown what Afghanistan could provide regarding resources or services though some also considered investing if mainly to provide a potential counter to Iran. The Soviets were at the very least still having some interest in the region, especially thanks to their connection.

    India meanwhile would be in bigger issues. They were entering the war with their economy in dire situation, but the opportunity was deemed worth to go to and the hope was that they could try and stave off some of the short-term issues. However, the issues of overvaluing their currency, the current account deficit caused from their need to import many things, especially during the war, with petroleum being of special note (due to the unstable prices of petrol as a result of the revelation of climate change and how to best deal with it), and ultimately, it being the trade balance deficit and the fiscal deficit of the government itself. Despite the victory of the war and the patriotic fervor from it, the rush of news over financial situation turned that energy into concern, especially the rumors of the Indian government potentially defaulting on it. This served as another reason that would deter Gilgit-Baltistan from joining India along the same with Sindh. In fact, the concerns over India potentially defaultng was enough for it to serve as a prominent detour of the treaty discussions and helped expand it into an overall discussion over the state of the subcontinent, especially on what could be done order to help. Even worse, the concern over the economic crisis that could come agitated many more groups, especially the lingering insurgencies, which remained dormant to bide their time and resources, though remained prominent, such as the Tamil nationalists and the Khalistan insurgency, who had become notable for defending the people over in the area, serving more as peacekeepers or whatnot, especially with the trying need to remain calm and stable, the leadership having clamped down on their violent members for the sake of their message.

    Pakistan would, unsurprisingly, be in a colossal mess. While global aid has come for the people there, they were still the defeated in a war which they were considered responsible, especially one for using a nuclear weapon. Despite that, the relative distance of the war from any major sites meant that there wasn't too much issue over Pakistani refugees fleeing toward nations like the United States and Canada, especially with the newsmedia being influenced to portray the people fleeing from a harsh militaristic autocracy. Of course, beyond just that, with an unstable government, Pakistan was on shaky ground and people were not sure on who trust with power and what will happen there. While some form of order has been restored under a temporary government, it left many major questions, especially with Pakistan now much more shrunken down and still reeling from the sanctions as a result. There was also the fact that aid was incredibly unlikely given the circumstances.

    Ultimately, while Afghanistan would walk away with practically everything they wanted, India and Pakistan were left in a lutch, the former almost on a pyrrhic victory and the latter ruthlessly defeated and without hope. It was a time of danger... and opportunity,
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    Spring 1989- Pactcracking
  • Spring 1989- Pactcracking

    Mass demonstration at the Hungarian state television headquarters

    While the fallout of the Afghan-Pakistani War would be processed by the superpowers and the growing concerns of a potential refugee crisis and the hope for a solution, the world continues to go on forward. And this was not the only part of the world experiencing major change right now. Beyond just the legalization of the Solidarity movement, the Polish government would make a deal with them to go and hold elections over in the summer, known as the Polish Round Table Agreement. These massive steps that were taken seemed to be threatening the hold over of the Soviet-aligned party. Hungary would having mass protests for democracy while their dismantling of barbed wire seemed to show the cracks forming over in the Iron Curtain. Then there was the Tbilisi massacre, where Georgian demonstrators are massacred by Soviet Army soldiers in Tbilisi's central square during a peaceful rally, leading to civilian deaths and more injured, sparking further protests. And even with the Soviet Union itself, there was some changes coming. With the Soviet economy managing to get under control thanks to Gorbachev's modernized NEP-like reforms, he could try and focus more on the political reforms. However, it was becoming clear that the hardliners of his party were not too keen on these changes, including for the USSR submitting to the jurisdication of the Supreme Court. [1] The big one was the attempts at legislative reform, namely in the Soviet parliament, known as the Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union. Frustrated by the old guard's resistance to his attempts to liberalise, Gorbachev changed his tactics and embarked upon a set of constitutional changes to try and separate party and state, and thereby isolate his conservative opponents. Hence having worked on this project since the previous year, it was meant to try and replace the old Supreme Soviet. While the electorate would have a choice between multiple candidates per constituency, all the candidates would still have to be members of the CPSU as part of a way to remain a one-party communist state. It did seem like a promising idea though concerns over accurate representations continued to linger. [2]

    Despite these concerns, there was also other developments that people were more positive about. One was over in early Spring, with Gorbachev's meeting with Zhao Ziyang over in Beijing. While the Sino-Soviet split had been healing during the Udall administration, it was here that it really showed that the split was over. [1] Both men talked about various things with their nations, including their attempted reforms. Zhao Ziyang showed interesting in Gorbachev's method of circumventing the hardliners. Another one was the follow-up meeting with the two having their first formal discussion with new US President Reubin Askew, who met up with them days later, with Deng Xiaoping also present there. While the talks were of promoting peace and stability, including the concerns of renewable energy, another one was Askew's concern on security, expressing to Ziyang and Gorbachev that some of their colleagues may attempt to sabotage or worse because of their reforms.

    Further developments would be more varied and fascinating. Iceland would end its prohibition on beer. Million of people were left without power for several hours in Quebec as a result of a geomagnetic storm, with other places in the US and Sweden were affected as well, along with intense northern lights. Warner Communications would merge with Time Inc, creating Time-Warner and gaining the attention of plenty of media companies, especially with the work being done over with the upcoming Batman film. Though speaking of the entertainment industry, the 61st Academy Awards would be held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, with Rain Man winning Best Picture, and Jodie Foster wins her first award for Best Actress. [1] Granted, all of this was still coming as Hollywood was still dealing with the various accusations of sexual assault and abuse that many women were making, resulting in further investigations. More often, it was also pressure being put on and continuing to show a bit of the ugly side that people do not want to face. However, it would be needed to do so. It seemed like more and more the news channels would be filled with all sorts of phenomenal events going in the world and cemented more just how much things were changing.

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
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