western roman revival

  1. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    The Western Flame Burns On: A Majorian timeline

    Hello there. I've been fascinated by the Roman Empire since I read Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series in middle school. My interest was reinvigorated by Oversimplified's First Punic War videos. And while most people imagine a surviving Roman Empire to be polytheistic and filled with...
  2. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Question(s) about surviving Western Roman Empire

    I'm thinking of writing a timeline about a surviving Western Roman Empire. The PoD would be Majorian's fleet not getting burnt by traitors, allowing him to reconquer North Africa. Because of the extra revenue, he's able to keep some of his army around, so Richimer can't kill him. He survives and...
  3. Basileus_Komnenos

    WI: Western Roman Empire Restored By Maurice?

    It seems that Emperor Maurice had plans to divide the Empire between his sons. The most common consensus about this scheme is that it would be a return to the division of the East and West rather than a new tetrarchic system where it would be split among all his sons. Supposing that Emperor...
  4. Surviving Kingdom of Soissons = Restored WRE?

    Exactly as in the title. Could a surviving Kingdom of Soissons be considered a restored WRE? If not, which conditions would be necessary for this to be the case? And last, but not least, which could be the differences between the two?
  5. The Three Explosions: A Late Antiquity/Western Roman Timeline

    Before we begin I would like to lay out a disclosure for this timeline. First and foremost I intend it to redefine typical Dark Age timelines, well perhaps not redefine but rather provide a radically new approach to cleanse your palate. That being said I do intend for this timeline to retain...
  6. Veranius

    The Last Light Burns: A Post-Classical TL

    The Last Light Burns: A Post-Sack TL There are some who say Rome is gone. And they are right. The Rome of Caesar, Octavian, Scipio, Hadrian and Aurelian. It is gone. But what of the Romans? The people of that nation, Who remember the time When the eagle flew above continents And...
  7. Gukpard

    DBWI the romans lose the battle of Autissiodorum

    The battle of Autissiodorum (or Auxerre, as the Franks called it) was the last battle of the Horatius campaign to reconquer Gallia, under Frankish control since the V century AD, it was the last of the five battles of his campaign and resulted in the death of Pepin Karling and the collapse of...