vice president

  1. WI: President Daniel Webster in 1850

    In 1848, Zachary Taylor's men offered the Vice-Presidency to legendary Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster. Yet Webster declined, and Fillmore was given the position instead. It would be Fillmore, not Webster, who ascended to the Presidency upon Taylor's death in July 1850. What if Webster had...
  2. Hulkster'01

    What If someone else had become the first VP instead of John Adams?

    Who do you think would've been the VP had Adams not run or loss to them, and would they become the second President? Do they win reelection in 1800 avoiding the 12th amendment or would they lose?
  3. LuckyLuciano

    Collaborative Timeline: The "Bobby problem"

    I would like to see a timeline that has Henry Cabot Lodge actually pursuing the presidency in 1964, leading to him being nominated over Goldwater, and RFK being nominated for vice president as Johnson feels forced to after the nomination of a moderate Republican. This is a possible 1964 election...
  4. Jaguars4life

    Quitting at the Wrong Time:A Collaborative Timeline

    This is a collaborative TL in the style of The Selma Massacre in which this TL will be told from news articles historical view points etc. This TL is what if FDR followed his doctor in January 1944 and resigned the presidency and gave it to Henry Wallace. January 29th 1944- THE NEW YORK TIMES-...
  5. Vice President Richard nixon gets killed by an angry mob during a trip to Venezuela (1958)

    As the title says Nixon is in a diplomatic trip to south america (May 13, 1958 four months after Marcos Perez Jimenez escape), while his stay in Venezuela his car gets attack by several communist mobs, what could be the response by the american government if this attacks get out of control and...
  6. Jaguars4life

    Really Bad Sushi

    January 8th 1992: *ABC News special report pops up* We interrupt this commercial break for some breaking news. JENNINGS:Good evening we are getting reports that Japan that during his meeting with Japanese Prime Minster at dinner at Emperor Akihto's house with state diplomats. President...
  7. What if George W Bush picked John Danforth, not Dick Cheney, as his Vice-President?

    John Danforth, former Missouri Senator, was reportedly recommended by Dick Cheney and the VP search committee to Bush to be his running mate. Bush however wanted Cheney and Cheney accepted, resulting in the end in the Bush/Cheney administration. What if Bush had picked Danforth instead? Danforth...
  8. Jaguars4life

    WI:Nixon chooses Kissinger instead of Ford

    Something I thought of today. What if instead Nixon went with Henry Kissinger for VP instead of Gerald Ford? What are some minor and major changes?
  9. Most Dangerous USA VP

    What this thread is asking about is what Vice President of the United States would do the most damage to the USA if they somehow became president without being elected as president. This also applies to people who went on to become president later by being elected on the top of the ticket. It...
  10. Beedok

    Can a US Vice President Run for Another Office?

    VPs don't really do that much in some presidencies, so I was wondering if legally they were allowed to run for another office (maybe mayor of DC or something)? And just as importantly, what about in another country? Say president of a small Caribbean nation or something? Or are they legally...
  11. Jaguars4life

    WI:Vice President Rumsfeld instead of Cheney?

    What if George W Bush in 2000 selected Donald Rumsfeld as his VP in 2000 and made Dick Cheney Secretary of Defense?
  12. AHC: Exactly flip Al Gore and Bill Clinton (bonus: Flip Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton)

    So, well, this idea came to me. Gore and Clinton are both Southern Democrats that can appeal to younger voters and both had presidential campaigns, what if they were flipped?