naval arms race

  1. Count of Crisco

    The Great Game: Napoleonic France without Napoleon: Supplemental TL for a naval game.

    Hello, this timeline is sort of an auxiliary to a naval building game myself and @Virginia Liberal will be running over the coming months which puts players in charge of one of several navies of the nations in this alternate timeline. The game begins in 1890, but as we have developed a...
  2. CP victory:Anglo German naval arms race 2.0

    CP win because of British neutrality due to no germam invasion of belgium resulting in France and Russia becoming Germany's satillites also Septemberprogramm gets implemted execpt for belgium. As soon as peace returns Germany restarts naval arms race with Britian this time also using naval...
  3. WI/AHC: Battleship equivalent of a "seventy-four"

    In the 18th century, the dominant capital ship type was the third-rate "seventy-four" (named for its 74 guns) ship of the line with two decks which balanced speed, manuevering, cost, and firepower. Larger second-rate and first-rate ships with three decks were mostly used as command ships due to...
  4. Alternate German naval buildup question thread.

    Hello everyone, I've not been on much for some time, as my health has been rather poor. After multiple visits to the ER, and one stay in the hospital, I spent a few weeks recovering. I'm back up to biking and walking most days, but remain very much weaker than normal, and have not been even...