equatorial guinea

  1. What if Argentina kept Equatorial Guinea?

    Spanish Guinea was administratively attached to the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata from 1778 until independence in 1810. After the May Revolution, the colony was forgotten about and fell into disrepair. Trying to keep the territory together in the mainland after the revolution was already enough...
  2. WI: Equatorial Guinea without Macías

    Few countries have undergone as much damage at the hands of a single leader as Equatorial Guinea. While we can only make educated guesses about what might have happened otherwise, it seems pretty safe to say that the country was almost single-handedly ruined by one man: Francisco Macías Nguema...
  3. Fernsong

    AHC: Prosperous Equatorial Guinea

    How could Equatorial Guinea become a first-world, or at least a prosperous nation? I'm guessing Macías Nguema would have to be removed, and less corruption when oil was discovered. In the modern day, Malabo could perhaps look somewhat similar to Dubai, and perhaps in bordering areas of Cameroon...
  4. AHC: Integrate Equatorial Guinea into Spain

    What it says on the tin. Get Equatorial Guinea to become an autonomous community of Spain.
  5. GauchoBadger

    WI: Larger Spanish Guinea?

    The Treaty of El Pardo, concluded between Spain and Portugal in 1778, was a treaty which conceded favorable border adjustments for Spain's colonial empire. Among the provisions, apparently, was the confirmation of Spain's claim to the West African lands between the Niger and Ogoue Rivers. It...
  6. WI: A Commonwealth of Nations between former Spanish colony states

    Right now, there are three main cultural intergovermental organizations which are Commonwealth of Nations between among former British colonies, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries among former Portuguese colonies, and Organisation internationale de la Francophonie among former French...