
  1. Anarchist Germany (1933-1945)

    In this alternate history, Hitler never comes into contact with the Nazi party, and is instead sent to spy on the German Anarchist party, where he becomes the Generalkommissar of the party. The party's ideology includes taking over the war, killing everyone but Germans, removing human made...
  2. AHC: Have the KPAM survive past 1931

    As it says on the tin. Make the Korean People's Association in Manchuria, an anarcho-communist political formation in East Asia, survive longer than 1931. Bonus points if you are able to provide a scenario where it takes over Japanese Korea during or after WWII. A starting point could be having...
  3. Kumarbi

    WI: Western Anarchism rises from Liberalism instead of Socialism.

    The basic idea is that one of the 19th century liberal free-trade supporters or possibly one of the 18th century French Physiocrats decides that no government sounds like a pretty good idea and coins the word "anarchism" before Proudhon. How would anarchism develop from then on? How would it...
  4. PC/WI: Anarchist communes in Colonial Africa?

    I might be off the rails here slightly, but is it plausible that a cabal of 19th century anarchists could of tried to set up anarchist commutes in colonial Africa sometime during the 19th century? (similar to the way utopian socialists tried in America) If so, which imperial power might've...