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  1. A Storm Blows and Europe Changes: An Experiment With Enhanced Butterflies in 1170 Ireland
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke was sailing to Ireland to claim the Overlordship of the Kingdom of Leinster granted to him by his Majesty, Henry II. That Henry II did not own Leinster to portion out was irrelevant to Richard's mind. He intended to seize the Norse-Gaelic port towns of Dublin...
  2. A New Age: An Alternate History of the 11th Century and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Cnut I 1016-1020

    In 1016 AD, Edmund Ironsides was defeated at Assandun and forced to cede the Majority of his Kingdom to Cnut I of Denmark and Norway with the understanding that the first of either of them to die would Inherit the rest of England. As it happened, Edmund would die just one month Later and Cnut...
  3. A Bosporan Sun V2.0
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1-The Reign of Eumelos I

    This is something I've tried once before, but life got in the way. I've decided to reboot it after finding my old notes on the Project. I will be using footnotes for things so everyone knows what is going on, much like the last time I tried this. Without Further Ado, on with the Show! XXXX...
  4. Poland Stands with Czechoslovakia version 2.0
    Threadmarks: Polish-Soviet War and postwar industrialization

    As Polish troops advance into the Ukraine during the 1920 Kiev offensive, they linked up with the remnants of the Czechslovak Legion, who after capturing the Tsar's Gold reserves in 1919 attempted to head for Vladivostok only to be caught in a battle near Omsk and sent fleeing in the opposite...
  5. A Bosporan Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Bosporan Kingdom
    Threadmarks: prologue

    On the windswept Steppes of the Pontic Steppe, a King Surveyed the Carnage he had wrought. Eumelos I, Basileus of the Bosporan Kingdom had taken his armies across the Steppe in a bid to reconquer territories that had broken away during the destructive civil war he and his brothers had engaged...
  6. Prussia's Demise and Poland's Second Chance, or how the 7 years war changed Europe
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    The Year is 1757 and at a place called Leuthen, the Prussian Army was facing off against an Austrian Army twice their size. In command of the Prussians, Frederick II, who in another life would have been called the Great for his masterful victory in the 7 Year's War, but who in this life was on...
  7. Punic Steel-How the Professional Army of Carthage Defeated Rome
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The Saw-Tunisia-238 BC Hamilcar Barca stood amidst the carnage of his great Victory, having just ended the threat of the Mercenary Rebellion. As he moved amongst the bodies of the slain, his men began counting prisoners, there were some 40,000 assorted mercenary troops from all over the Empire...
  8. Poland Stands with Czechoslovakia, a Different War TL
    Threadmarks: 1935

    1935-Hitler reveals his military Programs to the World. Alarmed, France begins trying to mend fences in Central Europe to form a counterweight to German Expansion. With French Oversight, the Cieszyn-Zaolzie issue is settled between Poland and Czechoslovakia via Plebiscite. 135,000+ Poles vote to...
  9. Pro Fide, Lege et Rige: The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth Survives

    Chapter 1: The Crossing of the Duna It was dark. The Coalition troops besieging Riga were exhausted. The Swedish artillery and those damned gunboats had been blasting away at the redoubts all day and well into the night. They had stopped four hours ago. Four hours of blissful silence which...