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  1. Japan wins WW2, behavior and future of Co-Prosperity Sphere?

    Presuming that inside the Sphere there are; Philippines, entire China, Indochina and Indonesia. Relations with Russia are top priority ( cordial at least ) and Moscow doesn't have any large ambitions on the area, so no direct pressure. What is the behavior in the coming decades of such a...
  2. Mexico dominates USA instead, goals of reverse Manifest Destiny?

    Let's say that it plays out as it is stated in the titles. Mexico retains all her territories, including Texas, losses from 1848, whole deal. What would be the goals of such Mexico? I presume they would be inclined to try an conquer every single ounce of land that belonged to Spain in the...
  3. Italian territorial goals after successful blitz Risorigimento & Irredentism ?

    Let's say that Italy had much more luck in accomplishing all her territorial goals by the end of 3rd independence war of 1866. Austrians are so caught by surprise that in the end they not only have to cede Veneto but all the lands that were goal of irredentism of Italy ( South Tirol, Trieste...
  4. Which period of these two was a bigger threat to ERE's existence ?

    In anticipation of Crusader Kings 2 "Old Gods" expansion I got a bit of dilemma. On the one side you have a mid 9th century Byzzies with smaller territory than in pre Manzikert years, surrounded by First Bulgarian Empire and Caliphate of the Abbasids. And in the other period I'm...
  5. What would ERE attack first in their reconquests?

    I'm thinking about them in the borders of 11th century, more precise as at the start of Crusader Kings 2 ( hate me:D ). What would their first target be; 1) Stabilization of Balkans 2) Taking their part of Italy from the Normans and Saracens 3) Simply pushing further into Armenia or...
  6. Belgian revolution fails, Greater Netherlands survives, her colonies and alliances ?

    So Greater Netherlands exists beyond 1831, includes an entire Benelux area and has more power than Netherlands alone. I presume that her foreign relations would be pretty much revolving around anti French alliances or at least trying to be friendly with them. But would such a state be...
  7. Women as 100% fighting regular part of any army, middle ages onward ?

    It would be possible, but how difficult would it be? I presume that the stated kingdom's armies would be prone to Europe wide ridicule at first, rate of sexual abuses would be sky high if not for a rigid discipline ( centuries too early for anything Prussian like but still...). Maybe as a strict...
  8. Greater Armenia/Wilsonian Armenia exists - geopolitics of the wider region ?

    I'm more curious about the way how would the region and the nations around the said state behave, what would be her friends, long term alliances, etc.. No matter if she came to be as a consequence of a total Russian victory in Crimean war, 1878 Russo - Turkish war, WW1 or something else...
  9. WI "ban of emigration" in Europe in 19cent onwards, potentional modern populations?

    Let's say that for the simplicity's sake that the states of the time discourage the emigration of its populations, no matter be they politically unfavorable, the poor or whatever rl reason was the primary incentive for them to emigrate in the first place. Going through wikipedia's articles...
  10. Byzantium survives Manzikert and wars with Seljuks, what next?

    I've been playing a lot of CK2 lately and begin wondering about the first step that the RL Empire would take after the stated wars. The premise is at least that they would pull off a white peace, exiting the conflict unscathed. 1) Revenge against the Normans and reconquest of Southern Italy...
  11. How crazy was Ungern Von Sternberg ?

    It seems that one of the truths that are taken for granted here at AH beside failure of Sealion and awesomeness of Teddy Roosevelt is the unquestionable madness of this guy. He was the craziest of all RCW warlords but still, the oddities that wiki provides on him don't make him THAT crazy. ( was...
  12. WI; Russia wins Livonian War (1558 - 1583)?

    To keep it short, it was an earlier Great Northern War and Russia was fighting for the same goals, exit to the Baltic sea, influence in the same region, etc. What effect does their victory have in this scenario and in the long run since the goal was achieved more than 150 years earlier? I...
  13. How would Byzantine ethnic/religious picture look like if they survive ?

    Yep, another thread on them, sorry:D. But I was thinking on them and two empires for this 1) The surviving empire in the almost intact borders of old, encompassing Egypt and Levant. Would they all be orthodox, or something else as well. Arameic and Coptic would still be in wide use but...
  14. Russian Ethiopia, Eritreia, Somalia?

    How possible realistic could have been this scenario? IRL Italians made their first attempts pretty late in 19.cent so the window of opportunity for other countries exists as well. I find the main obstacle for that the vicinity of russian ports to their potentional colonization efforts as...
  15. WI no Irish emigration waves ?

    Wiki states that people of Irish ancestry number 80 million. My question is what would Ireland look like if there was not any kind of troubles she had that forced her people in emigration, Potato Famine especially. Would she, as a whole island, have population numbering in tens of millions...
  16. Wi; Patton as president instead Eisenhower ?

    What would be different. From non - American point of view I can only think of that he wouldn't be so subtle as Ike was in CIA sponsored coups. Thoughts ?
  17. WI; Europe without the Black Death ?

    Gonna be brief. One of her more important consequences were higher wages for your ordinary worker since there was obvious shortage of labor and mutual competition between landlords. Degradation of the Church in the eyes of the ordinary folk since their explanations proved all false, and rise of...
  18. Persia instead Ottomans conquer Mamluks ( Egypt )?

    Was asked before but were no answers, maybe more luck this time. So, Selim Yavuz does not conquer Mamluks in 1517 and is unable to wage war with Ismail I. of Persia, for any number of reasons you like ( total defeat in Battle of Chaldiran and decides to stop there, civil war, 100% war effort...
  19. If Russia gains Duchy of Schleswig ...

    Peter III was a fool and for that he paid the price but he was the first who had a bit different approach to the problem how to move Russia geographically westward to the seas. Instead of potential gain of eastern Prussia iwhen he spared Frederick II he planned future war against Denmark for...
  20. Russia without the navy ?

    What would her development since Peter the Great look like without it? Since she historically doesn't need or care for naval power projection what would it mean for her to almost utterly abstain from investing in naval projects from petrine times onward ? More money for the land armies never...