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  1. Could the British Puritans Have Won?

    ...I mean, yes, Cromwell was very religious, however, he seemed to believe religious freedom was necessary in a way that say, the Fifth Monarchists* didn't. *I bring up the Fifth Monarchists because they are partially what inspired this, however, I must admit that I'm perhaps basing way too...
  2. Could the British Puritans Have Won?

    Hence, why the OP is there. I don't think the Puritans got a total victory, as it were, in the British Isles. Which is what the OP is about, whether that is possible, and what the impact would be.
  3. Could the British Puritans Have Won?

    Did any of that really stick with Charles the II, and afterwards though?
  4. Could the British Puritans Have Won?

    Hey guys! Some of you may know may for some... rather ridiculous ASB threads a ways back. Regardless, I haven't posted in awhile, but I wanted to call on the historical knowledge of the forum for a question. Judging by a recent podcast I listened to, I frequently got the sense that, in parts of...
  5. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Alfred Hitchock made a trailer for Psycho that actually gave away many plot details, yet some still hail it as one of the best trailers ever made. And keep in mind, I mean outright tell the audience various plot details.
  6. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    There are a couple issues here to deal with. One, the FBU isn't Fascist. That word gets abused far too much, and has been abused here, it isn't Fascist, or semi. Its authoritarian, but that's not the same thing. Fascism requires not racism(Fascist Italy wasn't dependent on racism like Nazi...
  7. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Other thoughts here. The FBU is essentially the USSR of our timeline, because its stuck in stasis. By the time the 1990s roll around... honestly, the FBU will be lucky if it doesn't fall apart completely. Even with reform, it just can't last at this point.
  8. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Other thoughts. Honestly, I could see the USAR feeling triumphant in the 80s, along with the USSR, especially as the FBU has revealed itself to be nothing but a rotting carcass, incapable of adapting to international events. Throw in that environmentalism going to essentially smash whatever...
  9. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Honestly, I see that from pressure on the state. The main issue throughout is that, essentially, they're a country with an identity crisis, as their way of life is steadily going out of date, but they're afraid to change in any manner because of the world being dominated by Communism...
  10. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Also, Anglo-Zone? Does this imply France is the primary occupier elsewhere, perhaps in what the FBU holds of Germany? Shows interesting dynamics within the FBU proper(I imagine what occurred with Quebec would have explosive implications in France proper.)
  11. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Interestingly, this would also be, in many ways, a repeat of what happened to Canada. Additionally though, the social crackdown would show the FBU to be a rotting carcass to the rest of the world, with numerous implications therein. Also though, historically, many will argue Communism was...
  12. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    I honestly don't see how the FBU would recover from such a crisis, seeing as they'd essentially also probably lose a significant amount of power in the Western hemisphere in the process. Regardless, very interesting, to say the least.:)
  13. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    Oh... interesting. Was this more common in Russia, and other former Soviet bloc countries, than I thought, or is this particular general more unique in that regard? Ah. And that's saying something, seeing as Romania wasn't one of the better Soviet bloc states, from what I know...
  14. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    Could be interesting, but why in the world does someone with a military background lean left here? Because they're served under the Romanian Communist state(which was rather rightist on social policies it seemed)? As you already shown with this timeline that really doesn't mean much, and OTL...
  15. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    With the last, perhaps I've forgotten, but its a left wing junta?:confused: When in the world has that occurred?:confused: I mean, yes, there are plenty of left leaning dictators, but from what I know at least, almost none come from a military background, and those who do are guerrilla types...
  16. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    Other issues to consider here is that you have created quite a bit of youth unemployment I'd imagine. Why? You've made the global economy rather... fragile. You said near the end of the TL predictions for a future bubble burst, and honestly... I think you could get a freaking depression...
  17. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    While this is true, wouldn't the U.S. be traumatized by what happened from dependency on foreign oil? I mean, you depicted a major car company having to be freaking NATIONALIZED, and I think similar happening with various airlines.
  18. The Falcon Cannot Hear: The Second American Civil War 1937-1944

    Oh no... Here's to hoping the author can work this out as otherwise... Well, to be honest, this TL is currently the reason I visit AH.Com, having it end suddenly would be heart breaking.:(
  19. The Falcon Cannot Hear: The Second American Civil War 1937-1944

    Really, the only hope here is more Tito like persons for France and Germany to help combat Stalinism. Why? Even if the Soviet Union, for whatever reason, never ends up attacking the Nazis, the global economy will be such a complete wreck by the end of this war that Communism will be making a...
  20. The Falcon Cannot Hear: The Second American Civil War 1937-1944

    Oh my...:eek: I mean, that would mean the Soviets pretty much get Eurasia to themselves, and there is nothing anybody else could do about it. We're talking the world's sole hyper power here.:eek: