Recent content by Sumeo

  1. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    I don’t think so? Mostly due to the Pacific Ocean being obscenely large and not as much population by said people that the Inca need to make up for the huge population lose. Also once they are connected at least the Polynesian were susceptible to diseases like the Native Americans are. Though...
  2. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    You know earlier it was brought up that a possible popular import for the Inca would be the slaves to build up manpower lost due to diseases. It occurred to me with the Inca use of the Mitma system their is a possibility for it to conjoin with Atlantic slave trade. Allowing a constant source of...
  3. Sea of Blood, Sea of Ice--The Mongol Conquest of Japan

    I wonder how much the Japanese Buddhist monk might impact the area. Maybe though this is far fetched they may inspire the development of warrior monks in India like the Sohei in Japan.
  4. Californie- French California

    Maybe France would use immigrants from East Asia as a form of counterweight to the American immigrants. So their might not be Chinese exclusion act due to France fear that if nothing counteract American immigrants another revolt would be down the line.
  5. Californie- French California

    I wonder if after the rebellion would France “prop up” other groups to keep a check on the Americans that would arrive at California. One possible group that kinda sparked the rebellion due to audacity of France actually giving them something of a fair shake would be Native tribes of California.
  6. Where the River Flows: The Story of Misia: A Native American Superpower

    Huh you know I wonder what the political thought would be for the the Taino if something similar to the Haitian revolution occurs. Since now their homeland is no longer controlled by the Spain but it is now controlled by recently liberated slaves. Who from what we read this chapter might have an...
  7. A Horn of Bronze--The Shaping of Fusania and Beyond

    I was talking about Daimyo involvement cause of what happened to the Ryuku Kingdom who where conquered not by a central government but a Daimyo seeking to expand his holdings. Also I’m pretty sure the Japanese only had control of the Oshima peninsula of Hokkaido at this point. They kinda let...
  8. A Horn of Bronze--The Shaping of Fusania and Beyond

    I kinda wonder how the political situation of Hokkaido is like in the 1500s. Since their is a new trade route to the Americas did some enterprising Daimyos deciding to conquer some parts to get in on the trade? Did the native people of the region manage to form several states. Is Hokkaido split...
  9. A Horn of Bronze--The Shaping of Fusania and Beyond

    Really enjoyed the new chapter!!!
  10. What if Stonewall Jackson survived?

    I guess maybe he would follow Jefferson Davis order of making use of guerilla war unlike Lee.
  11. The Pale Horse: The Northwest Montana Insurgency and its Aftermath (1987-2002)

    Its from Far Cry 5. Where a cult called Eden Gate basically took control of a county in Montana due to a prophecy of a nuclear war by their prophet.
  12. Where the River Flows: The Story of Misia: A Native American Superpower

    Huh you know if the Misia decide to dip their hand in slavery in their Southern land. I can see some people like the Seminole forming in Florida made up of hiding Floridian Christians and run away slaves or maroons.
  13. The Jaguar's Roar - An Aztec Timeline

    For me I was getting a Vargarian like feel with the Spanish mercenaries. Maybe not as loyal but still.
  14. A Horn of Bronze--The Shaping of Fusania and Beyond

    I mean it’s might be possible for a Lanfang situation to emerge in the Americas.
  15. Empire of New Castille

    I wonder how this crusade is looked on by the Catholic world. Somewhat similar to the fourth crusade?