Recent content by NFR

  1. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    Did you read Strugatsky? I understand that they are fairly well-known in Finland, I knew a fellow who was an artillerist in the Maavoimat who swear by them.
  2. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    GRRR. Roadside Picnic came FIRST! As for Moscow - getting nuked was the whole idea, it's a giant missile sponge that isn't actually very important (well, in terms of strategic warfare) - there is nothing there that can't be replaced. However, the point of a missile sponge is to convinced the...
  3. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    This is actually not one but two ideas I have been developing. Hello, LeoXiao, I came up with these ideas independently but I see you have similar ones also - perhaps we can corroborate on them. Title of TL: Metro 1984/ Roadside Picnic B254 Setting: Moscow Metro and other underground...
  4. A Song was Heard in China - A Different Tiananmen

    As far as I understand, it's not illegal. You've heard of 行政拘留 - so yes, they can certainly keep people beyond 48 hours, that's only HK law as far as I understand anyway. Any form of administrative punishment is essentially summary punishment without trial so obviously one is not in favour of...
  5. A Song was Heard in China - A Different Tiananmen

    And I see lots of Chinese language blogs INSIDE China (just go to Tianya, it's full of them) that is going along quite happily. Just name me ONE major Western forum that was flooded by a DDoS. Off the top of my head I can't think of any. There were a few major hacking attacks but those were...
  6. A Song was Heard in China - A Different Tiananmen

    That's interesting, I take it that you are unfamiliar with the administrative detention provisions in various part of the Chinese criminal code. Proper political discourse in China online is pretty much impossible because everything - and I mean everything get dragged along ideological line...
  7. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    It's irrelevant anyway, unrestricted submarine warfare would have to come in two flavours... in the open seas, where you piss off everybody (and is bloody difficult to do with only 6 SSNs, anyway, which will now also be tasked to waste their time torpedoing ships instead of doing patrols)... or...
  8. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    Here, let me remind you what you actually said: Oh really? So you know Hong Kong is indefensible and yet at the same time you think 'For defence of HK is enough 1,5 billions'? So which is it? Indefensible or 'enough'? You are back peddling furiously, but do remember that what you said...
  9. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    It's a bit off topic, so I won't go into details, suffices it to say that it would be very difficult to achieve such an equilibrium - the RoC holding on to any part of the mainland is hard to imagine if the PRC is strong enough. If the RoC is strong enough than likely the UK won't have switched...
  10. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    That's just nowhere near enough information. You can't say this sort of things in a vacuum. A HK that defied Chinese wishes and a HK whose loss was viewed as a historical artifact like, say, Mongolia is going to be very different, and we're talking about a PoD taht could be anything from 1850...
  11. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    And YOU don't need to be so defensive. A bit of cut and thrust never hurts anybody, and come on, if you make a claim whcih happens to be at least an order of magnitude insufficient, won't you expect to be ribbed a bit? :p Well, anyway, I am afraid this won't work either. Think about your...
  12. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    Yeah, Chiang is really going to sign HK away because he managed to chase the communists 5,000 miles all over China, cause 75% casualties and made them hole up in the middle of nowhere. And then the PRC forms and then asks politely for HK - the whole of it - back. Back to square one. I have...
  13. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    Oh please, you speak as though a national defence infrastructure can come out of nowhere after you magically set the defence budget to 1% and the manpower pool begins to fill up. In order to produce a defence force that won't defeat the PLA to laugh themselves to death - though that's a viable...
  14. How to get whole Hong Kong permanently leased to the UK?

    You need to show the cost-benefit ratio of whatever money they can make through Hong Kong and not through, say, Taiwan or Korea or direct trade would outweigh perceived political imperatives. My feeling is that the lost revenue would not be significant for a Chinese-run Hong Kong, but you'd...
  15. The Geum Dynasty

    Glad to be of help, etc. I am a furriner myself, so don't take my word for it, feel free to look it up- but I am more or less confident on this particular score. Briefly, the the term for Emperor is 'Huangdi', invented by everyone's favourite First Sovereign, from 'San Huang Wu Di' (Three...