Recent content by Lalli

  1. What if, somehow, Iraq managed to win the Iraq War?

    Nearby impossible Americans and its allies to lost to Iraq. Them should make such amount of blunders that it is almost ASB. Perhaps there is way Iraqi army and National Guard fight betterly but victory seems really unlikely. But if Bush and Blair have planned whole war trip so shitly that they...
  2. WI: Forced Berberization instead of forced Arabization in the Maghreb

    Even that is not going to work. Arab elite is too strong to accept such idea and there would be strong opposition. At best you can get equal rights for both groups but not some semi-Apartheid system.
  3. Top 3 greatest British monarchs?

    Depending do we speak about all of monarchs who ruled some parts of British isles or United Kingdom. If latter then Alfred the Great can't be included.
  4. WI: Forced Berberization instead of forced Arabization in the Maghreb

    Whole Maghreb regions has been strongly arabised centuries ago. It would be stupidity and asking quick and violent coup if you try enforce berberisation and wipe Arabism off. And in all of these countries Berbers are minorities. In Morocco Berber population is relatively large compared to other...
  5. What If WW1 ended in 1916?

    And one motivation for Brits to get lesser harsh terms is fear of strong Russia. Now Russia is not at civil war so Brits want keep Germany somehow strong so it can fight at future. Of course Brits must pressure France to accept milder terms. There would be good-feelings year or two but...
  6. What If WW1 ended in 1916?

    Possible sure but not certain. But I agree that Anglo-Russo relations probably are not great since Britain would be worried about strong Russia. Actually it is possible that Germany and Britain become closer but France grows apart from Britain. And Britain and Ottomans might are closer. But not...
  7. What if Japan and Italy fought in World War I on the side of the Central Powers?

    Why Japan even would join to CPs? That not seem make any sense for them. They already beat Russia lesser than ten years ago and Britain is Japanese ally. It would be just stupid go against strongest nations in the world when it could easily take German Pacific holdings. It is not indeed...
  8. What If WW1 ended in 1916?

    Americans would indeed arrive too late to effect to war, but with neutral OE CPs are pretty much doomed. Russians and Brits can now throw more troops to Western and Eastern fronts. Austria-Hungary would too lost Galicia and possibility parts of Croatia. ITTL Entente might not betray Italy so...
  9. How early would you need to change American colonial history to guarantee an Anglo-American sovereign relationship close as Anglo-Canadian in 1883?

    It should need that Brits manage to defeat Americans before arrival of French. But even then afterwards London should take bit better policy over North American colonies not keep people there as second class citizens.
  10. Could a Christian terror group arise in a nazi dominated Europe?

    I doubt that. Totalitarian state is not easy place to create some terrorist organisations speciality when it is clearly targetted against the government. And Christians under pressure not seem such which easily pick path of violence and it would be stupid idea anyway since it just would lead to...
  11. What If WW1 ended in 1916?

    ToV perhaps not be that harsh as in OTL. It is possible. But it depends how willingful Entente is preserve that and could it remain stable enough. Possible but not certain. Lot of depends what will happen later. There would be still much os demands for reforms. Wilhelm II is probably...
  12. Post 1905 Sanity Options For Czarist Russia

    Exactly. Russification indeed hasn't ever worked and it would has only just counter-productive results. Ratherly just let minorities at least Finns, Poles, Baltics, Ukrainians, Caucasians and Central Asians keep their culture. Russians would are still clear majority and annoying all these...
  13. The Iron Eagle III - Fallen Eagle

    Czechian and Polish cultures are almost certainly dead on their original territories and live only within diaspora. Probably same thing is with other ethnic groups in Eastern Europe too. Estonians might have fare betterly but even they are either mostly germanised or fled to Finland...
  14. Was it possible that Prussia could continue to exist?

    This is about only way. Or then nazis win the war.
  15. What if Alexander didn't try to invade India?

    True. Either Alexander's drinking habits kill him or then he is killed on some other military campaign. Or then is just assassinated. He hardly was going to live old age. So depending what exactly nextly happen his empire was already doomed. Size wasn't problem but poor succession system and too...