Recent content by gatordad699

  1. gatordad699

    Asian Theater of a Cold War Hot Scenario

    Vast majority of US SSBN patrols during Cold War were in the Atlantic. Once the Tridents went to Bangor that picked up again. From around 71ish to 81 ish we had Ivy Bells information. We would have known everything the Soviets did in the Pacific. US 594 and 637 class boats would have slaughtered...
  2. gatordad699

    What If These Two Warships Met In Combat

    From what I could find the SM FCS MK 82 could only handle 2 air targets at a time. 8 Harpoons is going to be tough.
  3. gatordad699

    What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    Curious why you quoted my reply. A reactor can in no way, shape, or form can release energy like the “explosion” of a nuclear device. Chernobyl was basically a thermal release that the reactor core could not contain. Nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors are two entirely different systems.
  4. gatordad699

    What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    Can’t/will not happen. PWR and BWR are nothing like the RMBK reactor at Chernobyl. That and US reactors have containment buildings. Chernobyl reactor had no containment building.
  5. gatordad699

    What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    Nothing much would change. Missile Techs monitor the missiles now. They were/are not much liked by the rest of the crew. They’re kind of prima donnas. They think they work on the missiles but they just monitor them. Don’t see how you’d get someone from the USAF to spend around 90 days or longer...
  6. gatordad699

    Military tactics ( that were never developed or employed )

    3” Launcher on a 688 was perfect for launching coffee cups against the tender across the pier. CO launched a flare onto the flight deck of a carrier we were playing games with. Countries are all guarded by really young people with access to some really cool equipment. Stories I’ve heard about...
  7. gatordad699

    Russia lobs nukes at Reagan US...but Reagan doesn't retaliate

    Looking Glass was airborne. I’d be willing to bet they would have ordered a launch. During RR you had 8 Tridents and just about all of the 41 boats. That’s maybe 4 Tridents and 20 of the other boats at sea. That’s 416 missile tubes with 1-3-8 warheads apiece. Mostly 3-8 warheads each.
  8. gatordad699

    Another U-boat thread.

    Curious. What type of “submarine engines” are you talking about? Diesel electric submarines (of that era) use a DC motor for propulsion (Modern electronics lets you use a AC motor. Columbia and Next Gen US SSN will use an electric motor). Cargo ships like Liberty ships used simple cheap steam...
  9. gatordad699

    European NATO naval alternatives : 1950 - 1990

    I don’t know that much about AIP systems to give a qualified answer to your question. All I know is that they are quiet as f@&$. Like you better have some Star Trek sensor crap with Spock working it quiet. The problem is they don’t last. Nuke boats can run flank for years. Makes it tough to...
  10. gatordad699

    European NATO naval alternatives : 1950 - 1990

    They put the VLS in the forward ballast tanks. Could have put some in the aft ballast tanks. That would probably get you at least 12 more. They made a “stretch” 637. Maybe they could have added a small section to a 688. Just aft of Crews Mess and forward of the reactor compartment. Don’t think...
  11. gatordad699

    European NATO naval alternatives : 1950 - 1990

    IMHO/Experience I would say lots and lots of inexpensive Corvette/Frigate/DD/DDG. Something like OHP (One Arm Bandit held around 40 weapons and could fire an ASROC), Spruance (But with much better AAA. Maybe like a Kidd but only 1 launcher). The more hulls and helicopters you have looking for...
  12. gatordad699

    Best case scenario for Japan in WW2

    Emperor Hirohito lines up the vast majority of junior Naval and Army Officers , and some Admirals and Generals, in the very early 30s to give them all awards. Then he has heavy crew served weapons kill all of them. It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you. He then makes sure the...
  13. gatordad699

    What If These Two Warships Met In Combat

    Why I much preferred just putting a MK 48 into them.
  14. gatordad699

    What If These Two Warships Met In Combat

    Wonder about a OHP Frigate? The “One Arm Bandit” could launch a SM-1 every 8 seconds. They had a range of 70ish-120ish kilometers. AS-6 went 1.2 K/s. So 9.6 kilometers closer every launch, 57.6 kilometers closer from first launch to 6th launch. Would they have time for more than 6 launches? The...
  15. gatordad699

    Another U-boat thread.

    IMHO I just don’t see being able to use those techniques in the 30s. Submarines are very complicated machines. There are so many air, electrical, hydraulic, ventilation, and other systems. All of those have to be mounted in perfect alignment to the adjacent block. They all have to be connected...