Recent content by Daztur

  1. King Theodore's Corsica

    Well I don't know the SYW well enough to fact check you on that. It's just that I've read TLs that I dearly loved that hit Korea and don't seem to realize that basically the entire peninsula is covered in mountains or other really basic errors like that because when you bite off and try to chew...
  2. King Theodore's Corsica

    On the subject of the level of detail of this TL, for some of my very favorite TLs the author sometimes wanders off of the main focus of the TL into a bit of history that I know better than they do and the author makes some goofs that are obvious (to me at least), even when the overall TL is...
  3. King Theodore's Corsica

    Wonder what effect the presence of more banned books will have on Italy.
  4. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    I posted on the old thread about how massively important land reform is for building a middle class. Even if landowning farmers don't have much money, they make it MUCH MUCH easier for their kids to be able to break into the middle class compared to sharecroppers or tenant farmers. For example...
  5. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    I really like how this TL embodies the apocryphal Churchill quote: "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing after exhausting every other alternative." I like how again and again things progress after a lot of blundering and false starts, it makes everything seem much more real.
  6. King Theodore's Corsica

    I liked this one, I liked that you avoided the quick and easy path of "the British shower Corsica with money." Corsica cooperating with America in its very early wars is something I didn't expect to be foreshadowed, although in retrospect I should have.
  7. King Theodore's Corsica

    Well whatever it is I'm sure it'll be amazing. The depth of research here is just astounding, in a way that wasn't really possible for SotHE due to having a lot more sources.
  8. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    Or pretty easy to settle on an anti-corruption platform for the opposition as you can hit people all over the political spectrum with that. With the weakened Democrats you could eventually see a party system of Liberals vs. Republicans with the liberals starting with these guys...
  9. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    There's nothing incompatible about "scientific racism" and evolution specifically (aside from it being bullshit in general). Pretty easy to graft "scientific racism" onto outmoded evolutionary ideas of development from primitive to advanced species.
  10. King Theodore's Corsica

    The thing is no Napoleon Bonaparte utterly and completely scrambles so much history that Carp would have do an incredibly huge amount of writing to put Corsica into the context of an alien Europe, at that point it would be less and less a TL about Corsica as much as I'd love to read it that...
  11. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    The closest thing to an ideology that the US could export aside from bog standard liberalism is perhaps land reform (which Lincoln kind of blundered into after other options didn't work out, but that doesn't necessarily stop it from being influencial). Land reform along the lines that Lincoln...
  12. The Dead Skunk

    Well that's a lovely little bit of mystery...
  13. The Dead Skunk

    Might be missing something, but how are places like Bohemia getting more liberal constitutions with the Austrian monarchy not wanting them to have more liberal constitutions?
  14. The Dead Skunk

    Looking forward to more alt-ideologies except for the two that have been foreshadowed.
  15. The Dead Skunk

    Well, that was lovely. Home feeling like shit from a nasty flu and this helped...